Hurt [Pt. 13]

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There was no point anymore.
What could you say? You were a useless cripple, worthless and unloved.
So much hate boiled up inside of you, making everyday a struggle to suppress that rage.
Sometimes, you slipped. You didn't at all mean to, after all it wasn't the fault of your coworkers.
At least not all of them.
Holding back bottled up emotions took a toll on you.
It chipped at your sanity, your dignity, your confidence until you felt like a husk of who you used to be.
You no longer took pride in your appearance, speech or manners.
It wasn't worth the hassle because now, everything was a waste of time. If he didn't love you, what point was there?
Was there any sense in fighting a battle you've already lost?
Why not just go home before you get hurt more so.
It was about time you gave up.
He spared you no attention nor affection.
You were now just a waste of his time.
But why?
It was his fault, he did this to you.
He broke your heart and nearly got yo killed and then proceeded to act like the victim.
Fuck him.
A sudden clatter outside your room door jolted you back to reality.
"Uh- Miss Y/N, may we speak a moment?" Asked a soft, familiar voice at your door.
Hesitantly, you managed to force your slumped frame up to meet whoever it was.
Unsurprisingly, it was Angela Ziegler. Her expression seemed odd, almost fearful, but of what?
Whatever, it was best to get this over and done with to continue your antisocial attitude.
"What is it?" You grumbled, taking a deep sigh as you leant against the doorframe. Ziegler seemed to hesitate on her words as if unsure whether her sentences would go down well.
"We've noticed that lately you've been rather... secluded. I understand the recent events have been hard to cope with but, you still need to get over them," she stated.
Something deep inside you snapped, feeling a heavy heat burn inside you.
"Listen here Ziegler. Do you really think I want to listen to whatever bullshit advice you've got for me? You've done nothing to help since day one, nothing. You half the reason I'm this way you so why don't you take your prissy little ass out of my sight, huh?" You growled.
You had held that back for so long and finally, it was all out. Yet, the feeling of sorrow and anger didn't falter.
Angela looked surprised and vaguely horrified. She said not another word, shaking her head disapprovingly as she left.
If you were fired for your behaviour , it wasn't all that much of a bad thing.
You could get over the pain and suffering, find ways to cope and maybe forget... him.
But would Overwatch really ditch a member? Could they when you were in a state such as this?
It seemed as if they at least owed you something, even if that was just to help your mental state.
It wasn't like you to be like this, you always were a happy kid. Even through the hard times, you managed to keep a smile that wasn't fake.
But now?
It was too hard to even manage that.
Maybe things would be better if you spoke to Gabriel. Maybe it would clear up the misunderstanding of his emotions, or even have him apologise.
Yet, it could be the opposite. Your heart could be broken again, severed in two almost. Or, this time he could tell of how much hatred he has for you and how he played you for your weaknesses.
He was the only thing that kept you sane but at the same time, took all your sanity away.
Why dwell on the memory of his love?
There never was any, at least not real love.
It was time to move on, but, it felt so hard. You still loved him, there was no denying.
Each night, silent tears would fall from your eyes at the thoughts of what was and what could have been.
There you were again, dwelling on the past.
You swallowed hard and turned your back to the door as you pulled it shut, returning to the dimly lit room.
What else was there to do?
Socialise of course but as of late that wasn't all too appealing.
You dropped onto the single bed, followed by a deep sigh.
It was all too much, just too tiring. You dropped your head into your pillow and quietly surveyed the blank ceiling.
Without warning, another knock upon your door befell your ears.
A deep, rough voice called out, sending a shiver down your spine.

"Y/N, We need to talk."

Oh shit..

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