Tears [Pt. 6]

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Did hurting a friend always feel like the most excruciating pain you could imagine? Genji hadn't spoken to you in days, nor had many of your other colleagues. You radiated the aura of a sad soul, wanting to be alone but really, you just wanted someone there for you but you drove them all away. You pulled on a creased pair of track suits and a jacket and dragged yourself into the cafeteria. You glanced at the table where your friends sat.. and the seat where you sat. Seeing the seat still unoccupied brought a flicker of light back into you until, you saw Genji and D.Va usher an unpopular Mei into 'your' seat. You felt as if a stone was in your throat as you gulped down the sudden wave of sadness that washed over you again. You watched your best friends willingly replace you in a heart beat without hesitation. You turned to the empty tables behind you. Ignoring the fact you hadn't eaten for 48 hours, you collapsed onto the seat and dropped your head into your hands with a sigh. You replayed the thought of Genji replacing you over and over until it broke you. Tears streamed down your face and splashed over the marble table, leaving a small puddle with each droplet. Your sobs were loud and impossible to ignore. All the talking stopped as everyone focused on you. You felt the seat creak and shift underneath you. You slowly looked up to see Reaper sitting beside to you. The crowded tables across the room sparked their conversations again at the sight of Reaper, trying not to draw too much attention.
"Outcast, huh?" He grinned, looking first at your slumped over figure and then the populated tables. You gave a small nod but kept your head in your hands.
"I know how it feels. One day you have everything and the next, your whole world is falling apart at the seams," he mumbled. You lifted yourself up to look at him. "R-Really?" You asked.
"Yeah, I could tell you the story. Just not here," he replied, looking around the room as if he knew someone in particular was watching.
You smiled a little at his gesture. With him, you never knew whether he was being genuine or just feeling a twinge of pity for you. Either way, it made you feel better.
"When can you tell me?" You asked with a barely noticeable tone of excitement.
"Uh- Now I guess. You don't seem to have any other plans. We can come to my room," he shrugged as he stood up from the table and made his way back to the corridor of dorms. You wiped your eyes and practically sprung up, walking with a fast pace to follow him.
As you got to his door, he was already inside as if he had teleported. His hand motioned for you to come inside, and so you did.
His room looked like that of a teenager's who was going through an 'emo' phase. All furniture was painted black, no pictures, no colour, no excitement or comfort. His room felt sorrowful, like he was in a constant state of mourning. He sat down on the edge of the bed and once again beacons you with one gesture. You sat down next to him, leaving an almost awkward amount of space between you.
He sighed and looked down for a moment. His hand moved to his mask and gently removed it, placing it on the nightstand. He looked up at you again. He was... just a man. A real man. You took a moment to examine his dark brown eyes and the many scars that riddled his skin. You gave a little smile, reassuring him that you thought he looked fine. He pushed the robe hood over his head off and sat quietly for a moment, staring at you. "Gabriel?" You whispered, "Are you alright?"
"Not really," he answered.
"You can tell me, I trust you and you can trust me," you smiled.
He nodded and cleared his throat. "Jack Morrison. He ruined my entire life. I was the commander of Overwatch but they thought that asshole was better at the same thing. They replaced me with me. Morrison and I got into many fights. One caused the end of the original Overwatch. Our fight got out of hand and something went wrong. The Swiss HQ blew up... with us inside. We were both thought dead," he stayed with a frown.
"They were half right," he added.
"What do you mean?" You asked, tilting you head in confusion.
"I was dead. Lifeless... Mercy brought me back to life but fucked it up. My cells deteriorate and regenerate and hyper accelerated speeds. I'm a dead man walking, Y/N," he sighed, giving you a regretful expression.
Your cheeks flushed pink as you leant in slowly to him, opening your arms and wrapping them around his body. You pulled him into tight hug without even thinking. He hesitated for a moment before giving in to you. He returned the embrace. As you both pulled away, you noticed a smile on his face that he quickly hid with his mask again.
"Thanks for trusting me," you whispered as you stood to leave his room and enter yours. You plopped down on your bed with a huge smile.

There was an undeniable spark between you two but neither were knowing or ready to admit it..

Hey everyone! Sorry for pumping out chapters. I just felt really down last night and decided to write something that was kinda reflective of my emotions. Love you!
- Ally

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