Sincerely [Pt.4]

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Training over the recent weeks had become more demanding and vigorous. It was both physically and mentally straining. Today, was your first ever mock mission. Teams were selected randomly based on whether you were assigned offence or defence.
You stared down at your lap as you sat on the foot of your bed, deep in thought. A loud ding rang out from the various speakers around the building, one of which was right outside your room.
"Attention! All members who have been selected for today's mock mission, please report to the training range immediately. Teams will be announced there, thank you," spoke the voice of Jack Morrison.
Hissing and clanking of doors opening and shutting erupted and then quickly stopped. Footsteps and greetings between some people started up.
You slowly lifted yourself off the end of your bed and plodded to the door. The door opened for you as you held up the keycard. A few members you knew and a few you didn't were walking at the end of the hall. You didn't feel like talking much so you just hung back, looking down at the ground as you slowly walked.
A cold hand landed upon your shoulder suddenly. "Hi.." grumbled the all too familiar voice of Reaper.
"O-Oh... Hi- Hey um- Yes?" You stuttered, still scared of the tall man after the incident the last time you'd spoken to him in the common room.
"Don't act dumb, I know you're scared of me. Morrison, being an asshole that he is, is making me apologise to you since we have to be on the same team today," He murmured as he tapped his foot on the ground impatiently.
You stood still for a moment before you noticed Jack Morrison himself peeking around the corner like he was making sure that Reaper was sticking to his command. You waved at the Commander politely before redirecting your attention to Reaper again. "It's fine Reaper. I know YOU weren't the one apologising but still, thank you," you said with a small smile, trying to cheer him up even slightly. He nodded and proceeded passed you again, much like the day in the common room.
Jack Morrison came speedily walking over to you with a grin but said nothing until you did. "Uh- Sir? Why did you tell Reaper to apologise to me?" You asked.
"Well Y/N, that's the thing. I didn't tell him to do anything. You really think he'd listen to me? The man he hates the most?" He replied quickly.
"What do you mean, Sir?" You questioned as you watched him speak.
"You're getting to him, kid," he chuckled, giving you a hefty pat on the shoulder and continuing to the training field. You raised an eyebrow but didn't question it too much. You jogged to catch up with Jack and walked with him to the fields.
As you approached the area, you saw 11 other Overwatch members eagerly awaiting team assignments.
"Quiet! Alright, today you will be fighting in Hanamura. The attacking team will consist of, Lucio, Y/N, Genji, Reaper and Mercy. Defence will be Junkrat, Symmetra, Ana, Reinhardt, Roadhog and Hanzo. Form up with your assigned teams and discuss strategies. Good luck," said Jack Morrison before he turned and headed up the the observation deck.
With 1:00 to prepare our attack, the team huddled together. "Okay team, what's the dealio?" chirped as she took a sip from her soda.
"Genji and I will flank and the rest of you will go straight in, acting as a distraction so us flankers can pick off any stranglers. Hopefully then the enemy will be weaker of the team fight," instructed Reaper firmly. He scanned the faces of each one there, making sure you all understood and were going to obey. "Yes sir," you stated, much louder than you intended.
"Y/N, try to keep your mouth shut," sighed Reaper before he turned to the table and picked up this duel-wielding shotguns. You frowned at him even though you knew he couldn't see, nor would he care.
"Attack starts in 30 seconds," announced Athena, Winston's AI program.
Genji chuckled as he watched your expression turn from relaxed to sheer panic. "Ah, Y/N. First real training nerves?" Asked the ninja with a lighthearted chuckle.
You blushed, embarrassed that your emotions were so easy to read. "Yeah.." you mumbled.
"Don't worry, If I see you in too much danger, I'll come in and help you out a bit. Sound good?" He whispered, not to embarrass you around the others.
"Thank you Genji," you smiled as you wrapped your arms around his metallic frame and pulled him into a hug.
Giggles and oo's from your surrounding teammates as you two hugged. You pulled away from the embrace and looked around. "No! We're just friends," you growled. You were angry because it was true, you knew you didn't like Genji like that. Over the few weeks you'd known him, he had become like a big brother to you. Genji shook his head and gave an amused shrug in your direction.
Suddenly the doors to the battlefield opened and your team ran out, some taking the flank routes, some going through the direct path. All except Reaper. You progressed through the door before he did. As you passed him, you felt him watching you as you followed Mercy and
"I'd suggest you keep your feelings to yourself around here. You never know who'll take advantage of you.." he chuckled. You turned around to shout at him but all you saw was a disappearing trail of black mist whirling off.
"Asshole," you growled while you started to follow the now barely visual figures of Mercy and
During the whole battle, you were distracted. You kept getting eliminated or someone had to come into help you out. 9 minutes into the fight, Athena once again announced the remaining time, "1 minute remains!"
You let out sigh of relief, completely taking your focus off the match. Reaper glared at you and shouted, "Focus!"
You aimed your pistol and shot a few more rounds at the other team before the voice of Athena sounded again, "The defending team has won." Their team cheered as yours frowned but still congratulated them, expect for the one and only Reaper. He threw his shotguns on the floor and stormed out. Everyone fell silent as they watched him walk out of the training fields. You briefly looked at Mercy who was shaking her head in disbelief at his actions. The voice of Jack Morrison came over the speakers. He sounded furious as he spoke, he has obviously witnessed the poor sportsmanship of Reaper and wasn't too pleased.
"Everyone return to the building. There won't be anymore training today," he said before he abruptly hung up the microphone. The atmosphere was awkward as you all walked back to the main building.
Aa holy crap. This chapter has 1200+ words so, I'm ending it really abruptly. Next chapter may be be a part 2 to this one, I'm not sure. Anyway, that's for 100 reads altogether! Love you guys :>
Sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes!
- Ally <3

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