Chapter 3: Going To Auradon

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Carlos Pov

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Carlos Pov

I Went Straight To Hayley Room With My Bag Hayley Its Time To Go I Yelled I Went Inside But I Saw Her Staring At The Window Hayley I Said She Turn Around With A Sad Smile What's Wrong I Asked Going To Her Carlos I Don't Think I Ready Hayley Said What Do You Mean I Asked I Mean Going To Auradon I Feel Like Its Gonna Change Me My Past And My Life Hayley Said Looking Down Almost Crying I Use My Middle Finger And Lift Her Chin Up To Look At Me I Saw Her Tearing I Wipe Her Tear And Smile At Her

Hayley Its Not Gonna Change You I Always There With You And I Promised Its Gonna Be The Same I Said I Saw Her Smile Again And Hug Me As I Hug Her Back Everytime I With Her It Make My Heart Flutters I Wish I Was Dating Her Maybe At Auradon Hayley Sweetheart Come Down Here I Heard Her Mom I See You Carlos She Said I Nodded And Smile At Her She Grabbed Her Bag And Ran Down To Her Mom

Hayley Pov

I Ran Down And Saw My Mom Hayley Darling Come Here My Mom Said I Went To Her Now If Anyone Give You Trouble You Know What To Do

Off With Their Head Mom I Know I Said Adding A Evil Smile That's My Girl My Mom Said Carlos Cruella Yelled I Jumped And Saw Carlos Running C'mon Carlos Said Grabbing My Hand I Scream A Little And He Dragged Me Carlos Get Back Here Cruella Yelled Carlos Threw He's Back In The Back Of The Limo And Jumped Inside The Limo First I Give The Man My Bag And Went Inside And Sat Next With Jay And Carlos

Mal Went Inside Last And The Limo Start Driving I Heard Are Parents Shouting

Bring Home The Gold

Bring Home A Puppy

Bring Home A Prince

Bring Home My Sister Crown

I Rolled My Eyes And Sign My Mom Really Need Her Sister Crown I Saw Jay And Carlos Looking At The Candy Bar The Two Boys Smirked I Knew Its Gonna They Gonna Start Chaos Wait I Yelled Stopping Them I Went To The Left Side And Sat There Caring Along I Said The Two Boys Start Fighting Over The Candy Hitting And Grabbing I Rolled My Eyes At Them

Idiot I Muttered Evie And Mal Was Talking But I Looked At My Necklace You're The Queen Of Heart Daughter And She Want Me To Give It To You Don't Waste It I Heard Maleficent And My Mom Voice Over My Head I Don't Know If I Wanna Be The New Queen Of Wonderland

Carlos Pov

I Saw Hayley Looking Down I Sat Next With Her And Saw Jay Rolling He's Eyes Hey Hayley I said She Looked At Me (The Gif Is Up) Yeah She Asked Its Gonna Be Okay I Said Holding Her Hand And Saw Her Smile I Smile Back Here Try Some I Said Giving A Piece Of Candy She Take It And Eat It Its Good Thanks Carlos She Said And I Smile

Look We Heard Evie Yelled Me And Hayley Looked Up And Saw A Bridge With No Bridge Its A Trap I Yelled We All Scream I Hold Hayley And Hayley Hug Me Oh No I Too Young To Die With Hayley

We All Stopped Screaming And I Saw We Weren't Falling I Let Go Of Hayley And Saw A Golden Bridge What Just Happen I Asked It Must Be Magic Hayley Said Smiling Hey Mal Said Tapping The Remote To Get Him Attention Did This Little Button Just Open Up The Magic Barrier Mal Asked No This One Opens The Magic Barrier That One Opens My Garage And This Button.... He Said He Press A Button And Closed The Window

Okay Nasty Mal Said I Like That Guy Hayley Joked And I Silent Laugh At Her Joke

Hayley Pov

I Saw We Arrived At Auradon I Saw A Sign Said 'Welcome To Auradon Prep' I Breath In And Press My Lips Together I Scared If They Change Me And My Dream Hey Carlos Said As I Looked At Him Can You Stay With Me He Whisper To Me Yeah I Whisper Back As He Smile

(Question Of The Day: If Cameron Live In Instagram And Whisper To Maddie Sweet Words How Much You Ship Them

10 To 30 Lol)

I Saw Carlos Grab Something And Jay Grabbed What Carlos Have The Boys Start Fighting Over Something The Door Opened And Carlos Fall Out And Jay Came Out With That Thing I Stepped Out First And Saw So Many People Watching Them You Got Everything Else Why Do You Want What This Is Carlos Yelled Cause You Want It Jay Said Kicking Carlos

Me And The Girls Rolled Are Eyes And Mal Shouted At Them Guys We Have An Audience Mal Said With A Fake Smile Just Cleaning Up Jay Lied Smirks Leave It Like You Found It The Woman Sang And By That I Mean Just Leave It The Woman Said Yikes She Need To Calm Down

Jay Throw All The Stuff Into The Limo And The Limo Went Away Hello Foxy Jay Said Going To A Princess Next To The Woman Classic Jay I Whisper To Them As They Silent Laugh At My Joke The Name Jay Jay Said Showing He's Muscle As We Saw The Girl Laugh Nervously

Welcome To Auradon Prep I'm Fairy God Mother Headmistress The Woman Said My Eyes Was Wide. Me And Mal Looked At Each Other In Shock The Fairy God Mother As In Bibbity Bobbity Boo I Asked Bibbity Bobbity You Know It Fairy God Mother Said Smiling

Yeah I Always Wondered, What It Felt Like For Cinderella When You Just Appeared Out Of Nowhere With That Sparkly Wand And Warm Smiles And That Sparky Wand Mal Said I Nudged At Her As She Looked At Me Control Yourself I Whisper To Her I Don't Want Us To Go Back To The Isle That Was A Long Time Ago And As I Always Say 'Don't Focus On The Past Or You'll Miss The Future' Fairy God Mother Said Is She Kidding Right I Whisper To Carlos Nope Carlos Whisper Back As I Put My Head On He's Shoulder

(Qotd: Should I Make A Cameron Boyce And Maesi Caes Love Story For My Dance Moms Maesi FanFiction

Yes Or No)

It's So Good To Finally Meet You All The Boy Said He Look Like A Prince I'm Ben He a Said Prince Benjamin Soon To Be King The Girl Said So He's The King Of Auradon I Looked Up And Saw Carlos Face Glare I Smile And Put My Head On He's Shoulder As I Saw Him Smile

You Had Me At Prince My Moms A Queen Which Makes Me A Princess Evie Said Smiling And Bowing To Ben Looks Like Someone Have A Crush I Whisper To Carlos. Carlos Chuckles At My Joke The Evil Queen Has No Royal Status Here And Neither Do You The Girl Said I Saw Evie Frowned As I Tap Her Shoulder Its Okay You're Are Princess I Whisper To Her. Evie Start Smiling At Me And I Smile Back At Her

This Is Audrey Ben Said Princess Audrey His Girlfriend Right BennyBoo Audrey Said I Giggles On Her NickName What Kind Of NickName Is That I Whisper To Them As They Chuckles Ben And Audrey Are Gonna Show You All Around And Ill See You Tomorrow Fairy God Mother Said To Us Great Class How Excited Not

The Doors Of Wisdom Are Never Closed But The Library Is Open Between Eight To Eleven And As You May Have Heard I Have A Little Thing About Curfews Fairy God Mother Said She And The Band Left And Went Inside The School Leaving Me My Friends Ben And Audrey Ugh

Now I Really Hating This Place.

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