Chapter 8: Plan

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Guys Before You Start Reading I Wanna Know Why The Descendants Movie Never Put Shawn Mendes Believe Song In It This Song Its For Them And I Wanna See Them Singing It This

So Please Ask Me Why They Never Put In The Movie Thank U Enjoy

So Please Ask Me Why They Never Put In The Movie Thank U Enjoy

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Hayley Pov

I Was With Mal And Evie At The Locker I Was Getting My Bag Until I Saw Audrey Chad And Ben Came And Saw Us Those Kids Are Trouble I Heard Chad Said As I Rolled My Eyes Bye Guys Evie Said Walking Off Bye Me And Mal Replied I Close My Locker Until I Saw Ben Hey Ben Spoke To Mal Hey Mal Replied Oh Hey Hayley Ben Said Hi I Replied Smiling So How's You Two First Day Ben Asked Me And Mal Super Mal Replied As I Nodded Until He Looked At Our Locker My Locker Have My Mom Logo With The Word 'Long Live Evil'

You Should Really Think About Taking This Talent Off The Locker And Into Art Class I Could Sign You Up What Do You Think Ben Ask Us Sorry Ben I Too Busy I Said Its Alright Ben Replied Until I Tapped Mal Arm And Pointed At Jane. Jane Saw Us She Walked Past Us And Squeals In Fear As Me And Her Smirked Way To Take All The Fun Out Of It Mal Said To Ben As Me And Her Follow Jane

We Walked Inside The Bathroom Where Jane Was Looking At Herself In The Mirror She Saw Us And Turn Around In Fear Hey Its Jane Right Mal Asked Using Her Sweet Voice Wow I've Always Loved That Name,Jane I Said Smiling That's Cool Jane Said Trying To Escape Don't Go Mal Said To Jane As Jane Stopped And Looked At Us Sorry We Were Just Kinda Hoping We Would Make A Friend I Said Sadly Yeah You Probably Have All The Friends You Need Though Huh Mal Said Hardly Jane Answer As I Looked At Her Confused Really I Mean With Your Mom Being FairyGod Mother And HeadMistress And Not To Mention You're Own Personality Mal Said As I Nodded In Argee I'd Rather Be Pretty You Guys Have Great Hair Jane Said As I Looked At My Hair Wow My Hair Is Sure Long

The Reason Why I Don't Have Red Hair Because Too Much Red So I Decided Brown Will Be Good And Cute Too Until Mal Smirked You Know What I Have Just The Thing For That Mal Said Bringing Out Her Spell Book She Start To Search For A Hair Spell Until She Found It BeWare Foreswear Replace The Old With New Hair Mal Said Guides Her Finger And Make Jane Hair Different As Jane Gasped And Looked At Herself In The Mirror Can You Do Hair Spell Mal Whisper To Me Yep I Whisper Back

Wow You Almost Don't Notice Your Other Features Anymore I Said Do my Nose Jane Said To Mal Oh I Can't I've Been Practicing But I Can't Do Really Big Magic Mal Said But Not Like Your Mom With Her Wand I Mean One Swoosh Of That Thing You Could Probably Have All The Features You Wanted I Said Smirking She Doesn't Use The Wand Anymore She Believe The Real Magic Is In The Books, And Not The Spell Book Regular Books With History And Stuff Jane Explained As I Nodded So That's Why Is In The Museum

What A Rip You Know She Used Magic On Cinderella Who Wasn't Even Her Real Daughter Doesn't She Love You I Said Convince Jane Well Of Course She Does Just You Know Tough Love Work On The Inside Not The Outside That's Sort Of Thing Jane Pouts That's The Face Mal Said To Jane Yeah And Then Look As If Your Heart Is About To Break Mal Demonstrate I Said To Mal As She Nodded

Oh Mother I Just Don't UnderStand Why You Can't Make Me Beautiful Too Mal Said Making Her Eyes Bigger And Pouts You Think It Would Work Jane Asked Yeah I Mean That's What Old Cindy Did Right And Your Mom Bibbidi Bobbidi Booed The Living Day Lights Out Of Her Mal Recalled Making Jane Laugh And Hey If Your Mom Decided To Pop Out The Old Magic Wand Invite Us I Asked Proposed If I Can Convince Mom You Guys Are So There Jane Said Yay Mal Replied Clapping Her Hand Bey Jane Replied Walking Away We Wave Bye As Me And Mal High Five

Sorry Mal I Have To Go I Said Doing My Hair Into A Pony Tail Why Mal Asked I Helping Carlos With Tourney Training With Ben I See You Later I Said Bye Mal Said As I Start Running To The Field.

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