Chapter 10: A Love Spell

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Hayley New Outfits Up

(Except She Doesn't Have MakeUp A Crown And A Chocker)

(Except She Doesn't Have MakeUp A Crown And A Chocker)

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Hayley Pov

I Walked Inside Mine Mal And Evie Dorm Smiling Hey Hayley What Happen And Why Are You Happy Evie Asked Oh I Just Hanging Out With Carlos I Said Pretend Not To Tell Them I Kiss Him Okay Evie Said Smirking Hey Jane I Said As I Sit Down On My Own Bed

Mom Said If A Boy Can't See The Beauty Within Them He's Not Worth It I Mean What World Does She Live In Jane Said Auradon I Scoff As I Giggle Mal Hayley Do You Like It Evie Asked Showing Her Blue Outfits Yeah Its Cute Mal Said It Brings Out Your Eyes I Said I Know Evie Replied I'll Never Get A Boyfriend Jane Whined BoyFriends Are Overrated Mal Said Groaning And How Would You Know Mal You've Never Had One Evie Asked Mal Caise I Don't Need One E They're Waste Of Time Mal Replied Back As I Rolled My Eyes On Mal Until Evie Gasped I Forgot To Do Chads HomeWork Oh No Oh No Evie Said Panic And That's Is What Mak Means I Said As Mal Smirked At Me Until We Saw A Girl Walked In I'm Lonnie My Mom Mulan She Said As We All Looked At Her In Confused Anyways I Love What You Did With Jane Hair And I Know That You Hate Us And Well You're Evil But I Was Wondering If You'd Do Mine Lonnie Said And Why Would I Do That For You Mal Asked Glancing Up At Lonnie I'll Pay You Fifty Bucks Lonnie Said Good Answer Evie Said Grabbing Lonnie Money I Need New Material So Here What I'm Thinking. We Loose The Bangs And Add Layers And--

Oh No I Want It Cool Like Mal And Hayley Lonnie Said Even The Spliy End Evie Said Looking At Mal As Mal Groan I Got This Mal I Said To Her As I Stand Up And Use My Magic Necklace Beware The Swear Replave The Old With Cool Hair I Said As Smoke Come Out

After The Smoke Gone Lonnie Hair Was Almost The Same As Evie Lonnie Looked At Herself In The Mirror In Amaze Wow Good Job Hayley Mal Said As I Smile At Mal I Know Its Look Like A Mop On Your Head Lets Cut It Off Layer It--

No No No I Love It Lonnie Said You Do Evie Asked It Just. Lonnie Rip Her Skirt In A Small Slit As My Eyes Wide Now I'm Cool Lonnie Said Like Ice I Said Wow Maybe Lonnie Isn't Bad She Isn't Like Other Princess Jane Did The Same Until She Gasped What Did I Just Do Moms Gonna Kill Me Jane Said In Shocked As We All Laugh A Little.


After Lonnie And Jane Gone Mal Called An Emergency Meeting To Get That Wand. I Heard A Knock On The Door As I Get Up Coming I Said Running To The Door As I Opened It Was Carlos With Dude Hey Carlos Said Smiling Hey I Replied As He Kiss My Cheek As I Blushed And Sit With Evie Aww You Guys Are So Cute Evie Whisper To Me As I Smirked And Giggles. I Sit With Carlos Until The Door Open Again And It Was Jay He Was Wearing His New Tourney Jersey As Carlos Wolf Whistle On Him. Looking Good Jay I Said Laughing As Jay Kept Doing Posing So The Plan Work With Jane You Going Over To See The Wand Jay Asked Mal As I Began Silent

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