Chapter 9: Carlos Fear And The Kiss

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Hayley Sport Outfit Up

Hayley Sport Outfit Up

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Hayley Pov

I Used My Magic Necklace To Change My Outfit Into My Sport Outfits As I Ran Inside The Field And Saw Carlos And Ben Waiting For Me Hey Guys I Said As I Hug Carlos As Carlos Hug Back I'm So Glad You're Here Carlos Said As Me And Him Stop Hugging So Lets Get Started Ben Said As Carlos Got Into His Staring Position Okay Carlos Were Gonna Do Some Springs You Ready Ben Asked Carlos As Carlos Nodded. I Press The Timer And Saw Carlos Running Fast Wow He's Good Until I Looked Behind It Was A Dog Chasing Him Carlos I Yelled As I Grabbed Ben Arm And Run After Carlos And The Dog

We Went Inside The Wood Finding Carlos Carlos I Yelled Ben,Hayley Help Carlos Yelled We Follow The Voice And Saw Carlos At The Tree Uh God Not Again Help Me This Things Is A Killer He's Gonna Chase Me Down And Rip Out My Throat This Is Vicious Rabid Packed Animal Carlos Said In Fear Whoa Who Told You That Ben Asked Him

His/My Mother Carlos And I Say Together Cruella Ben Asked Him Yep I Replied Ughhh I Can't Stand Cruella She's A Dog Expert A Dog Yeller Carlos Said Defends Until The Dog Jumped Into My Arm As I Looked At Him In Adorable Aww You So Cute I Said Hayley Why Are You Holding It He's Gonna Attack You And I Really Don't Want That To Happen Carlos Yelled Hugging The Tree Wow Carlos Do Care About Me

Wait Carlos You've Never Actually Met A Dog Have You Ben Asked Carlos Of Course Not Carlos Answer Dude Meet Carlos,Carlos This Is Dude He's The Campus Mutt Ben Said Rubbing Dude Heads He Doesn't Look Like A Vicious Rabid Pack Animals Carlos Said Calmly Going Down. Carlos Looked At Me While I Was Holding Dude He Finally Come Down Jeez You're A Good Boy Aren't You Carlos Said Petting Dude I Smile At Carlos And Give Him Dude You're A Good Job Carlos Said As Dude Start To Licked My Cheek I Guess You Guys Have It Pretty Rough On The Island Ben Said To Us As I Looked At Ben In Sad Face (Gif Up) With A Sad Smile Yeah Lets Just Say We Don't Get A Lot Of Belly Rubs Carlos Said To Ben As I Nodded While Being Silent Good Boy Ben Said Patting Carlos Arm As I Looked At Him Weird I Mean You're A Good Runner Your Fast Ben Said Awkwardly As I Giggles Carlos Thanks Ben And Continues Playing Listen I'm Gonna Give You Guys Some Space Yeah You Guys Get To Know Each Other And Come Find Me When You Guys Done Okay Ben Said As I Nodded Bye Ben I Said Waving At Him As Me And Carlos Sit Down I Was Being Silent. Carlos Listen About That Kiss I Sorry That I Do That I Know You Probably Hat---. I Was Cut By A Pair Of Lips On Mine It Was Carlos

 I Was Cut By A Pair Of Lips On Mine It Was Carlos

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I Was Shocked I Smile And Kiss Back

(Question Of The Day: If Maddie And Cameron Kiss And Posted On Instagram What Will Be Your Reaction

I'll Be Like Omg They Finally Kiss There So Freakin Cute I Know They Not A Couple But I Say If)

He Grabbed My Waist To Pull Me Closer As We Pull Apart And He Start To Smile I Actually Like It Carlos Said Smirking As I Did The Same As I Get Up Carlos I Have To Go I Promise I Have To See Mal I Said Okay Ill Tell Ben That You Go Carlos Said Thanks I Said Smiling As Carlos Kiss Me Again

He Grabbed My Waist To Pull Me Closer As We Pull Apart And He Start To Smile I Actually Like It Carlos Said Smirking As I Did The Same As I Get Up Carlos I Have To Go I Promise I Have To See Mal I Said Okay Ill Tell Ben That You Go Carlos Said Tha...

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I Smile And Kiss Him Back As He Pulled Apart Okay I'll See You Later Carlos Said As I Walked Away Smiling Wow I Can't Believe He Kiss Me Again Wow He's A Great Kisser.

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