Chapter 5: Finding The Wand Part One

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Hayley Pov

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Hayley Pov

*Later In Night*

Me And The Girls Walked Inside The Boys Dorm And Man They Dorm Are Better Than Are Wow You Guys Have Damn Dorm I Said I Saw Evie Chuckle My Joke And Jay Smiles At Me What Are You Doing Mal Asked Jay Looking At He's Bed With So Many Stuff Typical Jay Its Call Stealing Jay Said Well Yeah But What's The Point I Asked Him While I Put My Hands On My Hips Well Hayley Its Like Buying Anything I Want But Its Free Jay Said Okay You Could Do That Or You Could Leave All This Here And Picked It Up When We Take Over The World Mal Said Wow You Sound Just Like Your And Mine Mom I Said Thank You Mal Said Smiling Hay Jay Come Check This Out Carlos Said Yeah HayHay Go Your Boyfriend Is Calling You Evie Tease As I Push Her While She Giggles Haha I Joked At Evie Joke

Jay Was Playing But Mal Looked Angey Guys Mal Yelled Do I Have To Remind You What We Are Here For Mal Said FairyGodMother Blah Blah Blah Magic Wand Blah Blah Blah Jay Said Not Turning Around Evie And Carlos Laugh Except For Me And Mal

This Isn't A Joke If I Didn't Have The Wand My Mom Will Punished Me I Need To Prove Her That I Can Do Anything With My Sister Lizzie

(Qotd: Should I Make A Ever After High And Descendants Book What You Guys Think Comment)

This Is Our One Chance To Prove OurSelves To Our Parents Mal Said Stopping The Three Of Them To Prove That We Are Vicious Evil Ruthless And Cruel I Said To Them

Yeah Mal Asked

Yeah The Three Of Them Replied

Evie Mirror Me Mal Said As We All Go To The Table Evie Pulled Out Her Little Mirror. Mirror Mirror On The......In My Hand Where Is Fairy God Mother Magic Wand Stand Evie Asked Her Mirror We All Go Closer And Saw The Wand There It Is I Said Smiling Zoom Out Carlos Said Until It Become Closer Magic Mirror Not So Close Evie Whisper

Evie Kept Zooming In And Out Making Me And Carlos Bored Can I Go Back To My Game I'm On Level Three Carlos Said About To Go But I Grabbed He's Hand And Pull Him Back To Me Do It Later I Said Fine He Whined As I Smile I Love How He Whined Stop Its In A Museum Mal Said As We All Looked Closer To Evie Mirror Do We Know Where That Is I Asked As I Saw Carlos Types Something On His LapTop 2.3 Miles From Here Carlos Said As We Looked At Him Impress Good Job Carlos I Said Kissing He's Cheek As He Smile At Me And I Return A Smile For Him.

Mal Opened The Door And Check To See AnyOne We All Went Out And Start Running But I Notice Carlos Wasn't Here Carlos I Yelled Looking For Him Coming Carlos Yelled Back As He Grabbing My Hand As We Catch Up With The Others.

So This Is Part One Of The Mission Part Two Is Coming Up Soon Bye Guys

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