Thank You And A/n

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Hey Guys I Back And I Not Dead.

I Super Sorry That I Never Update. The Two Books I Have Publish Have Been Delete By The Hacker And I Blocked The Hacker So He Won't Delete The Books. Anyway The Reason Why I Been Gone Is That I Have So Much School Stuff And I Have UpComing Exam Soon.

Anyway Thank You Guys So Much That This Book Have Reach 1K View Wow That's So Much I Can't Even Breathe Oh Wait I Can Nevermind. Anyway Descendants Two Actually Came Out But The Problem Is That Since I Live In Singapore There's No Way To Write Descendants Two Book Because It Only Come Out At August I Dont Know When But Its Said Soon.

Anyway Guys Thank You So Much For One K View So I Gonna Make Another Book Its Call Captain Heart Its Descendants Two Book

If I Watch The Movie I'll Start Making Chapter Okay Bye Guys

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