Echoing Laughter

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wow i'm coming back a reading this and why didn't y'all tell me this is shit? anyway for new readers i promise you that the most recent stories have much better writing and spacing.

Totally radical thought here, but has anyone ever considered supportive Keith encouraging Shiro to pursue Lance after learning he likes him? Like, sure, he and Lance had a bit of a rough start, but being in constant contact with one another has opened his eyes to how genuinely good of a person Lance is–how he cares so much about people, putting so much effort into making sure they're okay and healthy, often at the expense of his own well-being–and he's noticed how dramatically Shiro's improved mentally after spending time with him. He's good for Shiro. And anyone who makes his pseudo-brother smile like /that/ is A-ok in his book.
So when he decides to bring up Shiro's, quite frankly, embarrassing pining–'Seriously, Shiro, do yourself a favor and stop feeling sorry for yourself. He /likes/ you; go get him.'–he sets about planning ways for them to be alone. Much to Shiro's mild horror. But honestly Keith is so done, it's time for action.
He conspires with Allura to set them up for joint missions, often requiring the two of them to work closely and for long periods of time. The latest mission, a recovery stint to some asteroid for a mineral Keith doesn't actually believe exists, has proven successful: Upon their return to the Castle, both Shiro and Lance were smiling, their laughter echoing down the halls.
Keith was satisfied to note they looked relatively unscathed, if a little dirty, but most importantly, happy. He nodded to himself, and commenced with the next step.
At dinner (or breakfast/lunch/scheduled snack times), he makes sure the only available seat is right next to Lance; the chairs placed snug together so that Shiro has little chance of putting space between them. Lance doesn't seem to mind, leaning into Shiro, sparing nothing for personal space, and softly digging his elbow into his side when he tries to draw the older man's attention. Shiro, for all his initial, uncharacteristic shyness, doesn't seem to mind either. In fact, he even manages to let himself go enough to crack jokes back at Lance when he sees the opportunity. (The look on Lance's face is priceless: Eyes wide and shining with glee, mouth agape and slightly trembling. He's dumbstruck and unable to form words, glancing frantically around the table to make sure everyone had paid attention.) Shiro is flustered but smug. Mouth stretched wide in a smile that showed all his sparkly white teeth.
It is the first of many nights where Shiro and Lance bond over shared humor. (Keith tallies another win.)
Hunk, Pidge, and Coran are eventually brought into the fold, offering their help and providing tips for the ongoing success of Operation Shance. (Read: Vacating rooms when both targets were present; causing mild mishaps that left them stuck together, often times literally; and in Pidge's case, sly remarks of blatant innuendo.) Combined they've increased the odds of a confession exponentially. Everyone is proud.
When Shiro's finally ready to confess–having endured weeks of well-meant torture–Keith makes himself scarce. The last he sees before he heads back to his room, is Shiro gently grabbing Lance by the elbow, head tilted down to whisper in his ear, and Lance's eyes staring hopefully up at him.
He returns some hours later to find them both curled up on the couch, fast asleep and limbs tangled together.
He smiles and heads back to bed.

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