Black and Blue

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Black hummed delightedly at the feeling of the soap and water rinsing off the 10,000 plus years of dirt and filth that stained her metal skin, enjoying the scrubbing that the Blue Paladin had demanded her pilot give her.
The two were currently on her back, slipping and sliding between her wings as her pilot scrubbed out some of the tougher stains, Blue's pilot directing him on the best way to use the alien scrub brush against Black's skin.
Her pilot laughed when the Blue Paladin let out a startled yelp when he stepped wrong, the clumsy move sending him sliding further down Black's lower back towards her tail, and into a huge cloud of wet soapy bubbles.
"Lance! Hold on, I've got you!" Her Paladin chuckled as he carefully slid down and fished his mate out of the massive bubble storm, who was now entirely soaked. She could practically hear the indignant whine as her sister's Paladin squeezed out water from his shirt and brushed suds from his hair.
"My hero." The Blue Paladin deadpanned sarcastically, which had her pilot laughing again. She rumbled her own amusement as well, Blue chiming in from her Hangar across the Castle with light laughter reminiscent of sea glass clinking together.
Blue's giggles increased when the Blue Paladin gasped in mock betrayal, having heard her laughing at him. "Blue! How dare you laugh at my suffering! Oh, the indignity! Will I ever recover from this horrid backstabbing?" He wailed, ever the dramatic actor.
Her pilot snorted, before reaching over to the sponge he'd left near her wing and splashing his mate with more water. Blue's pilot squealed at the cold liquid, before grabbing his own sponge and launching it at her Paladin, his perfect aim nailing the taller man in the face with a wet sudsy squelch.
"Oh, okay, now it's on." Her Paladin purred dangerously, and the Blue Paladin screeched before dashing away, cackling as the Black Paladin threw the sponge and missed him by barely an inch.
Black settled for a quiet, constant purring as she stayed in the sphinx position, content with listening to the sounds of her precious pilot and his mate playing with their little water battle.
Of course, her pilot won in the end, tackling his mate and pinning him in order to smother his face with sweet, but wet, little kisses while the Blue Paladin giggled and flailed, trying to escape.
"Haha, Shiro! Stop it! You're all wet!" Blue's pilot wailed, still laughing, wriggling as his mate merely grinned and resumed his affectionate attack on the Blue Paladin's face, mostly the cheeks and forehead.
Eventually they calmed down, ending up on Black's head, Blue's pilot now safely cuddled on the Black Paladin's chest.
Black hummed happily, at peace with the universe as her Paladin and his mate napped between her ears.
Though, she did wonder when they'd get to rinsing off all these bubbles.

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