Being Different is Perfect (Especially for Shiro)

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"Dude, seriously, how are your biceps that big?" Lance gushed, poking at Shiro's arms.
"I... don't really know. They've just always been like that since my garrison training days," Shiro stuttered. They stood in the training room, both in tight fitted muscle tees, skin gleaming with sweat.
Lance pouted before sitting down with his legs spread out before him. "Man, I wish I got buff like that. I've always been so damn lanky."
Shiro's eyes followed the exposed length of skin that Lance's shorts revealed. Fuck, his legs looked amazing. He crouched down beside the brunette. "Well, I think your body's nice."
Lance rolled his eyes, "Really, babe? Nice? That's all you can think of?"
"I mean, you're uh—" Shiro flushed as he searched for more words, "You are small, but in a good way."
"How is that in any way good? Like, you're muscular and everyone knows that's damn sexy. Meanwhile, I'm just kinda... skin and bones." Lance glared at his flat stomach in annoyance.
The black paladin shuffled closer, placing a hand on Lance's small waistline. He covered about three quarters of Lance's stomach with his fingers, and shit, that was so hot. "Look, I honestly find your body quite attractive, Lance. We're dating for a reason." Lance peered at Shiro, causing him to backtrack. "Not that that's the only reason! Your personality is great, and your humour is spot on, not to mention, you're amazing in—"
Lance cut off Shiro with a kiss, laughing into it. He always had to stop Shiro's awkward rambling, for the sake of both of them. "Thanks," he breathed out, "But I still think you're hotter."
"And I think you're hotter," Shiro grinned with a playful glint in his eyes. Then, in a flash, Lance was squealing as he was lifted into the air.
"Hey, no fair! Shiro, put me down!"
Shiro obliged, secretly smirking that his hunch had been correct and he could, in fact, lift Lance with ease.
The instant he was down, Lance pulled Shiro's shirt up, causing the other to gasp at the rush of cold air. "Oh. Of fucking course you have a six pack. Ugh." He pressed his face into Shiro's tough chest, groaning.
"Lance," Shiro patted his boyfriend's back, "Are you still upset?"
The brunette stood still for a few moments, before gazing up at Shiro through his thick lashes, cheeks flushed. "No, it's just... how the heck are you so hot, and how did I get so lucky?"
Shiro immediately averted his eyes, unable to handle his emotions. His heartbeat raced and his face flushed bright red. "You can't just— You can't just say something like that out of nowhere!"
"Pffft," Lance burst out into giggles, "But, look, you're blushing so much. Man, if only the team knew how much of a dork you are."
Shiro froze in fear, "Don't you dare." He hadn't even finished his sentence before Lance was running out the room.
"Lance," he warned, sprinting after the blue paladin. Lance was faster, due to the length of his legs and agile frame, but Shiro had a fair amount of training. Within moments, he grabbed Lance and held him sideways under his arm. He caught his breath while casually holding the other, glancing downwards to see Lance looking at him in awe.
"Dude, you're legit carrying me like I'm your school notebook or something... and weirdly, I'm okay with this."
"Really?" Shiro asked, slowly placing Lance on his feet.
"Yeah, it's kinda hot," Lance grinned, eyes narrowed in his usual mischievous look. Shiro gulped, not knowing how to react. "So... what do you say we hit the showers and then watch an Altean movie together?" Lance gestured behind them with a tilt of his head.
"We never understand those," Shiro breathed out a laugh.
"And that's why they're either hilarious or the perfect time-passers. Mostly, just an excuse for me to cuddle with you," Lance winked.
Shiro scratched the back of his neck before agreeing shyly. As he watched Lance walk away, his eyes softened and he smiled. Tonight was gonna be good.

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