Sleep Into Forever

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did you really think i would give you a part 2 to Gone? well you were

wrong lmao new story

Shiro ached all over.

It was really just a combination of things ranging from overworking his muscles to turning his back and taking the brunt of the explosion of rubble.

The lights in the room were down, the emergency energy provided leaving the crystal in the center of the room flickering softly.
It illuminated the charred walls and floor, dusted in a fine layer of soot and debris. Dust and other small particles floated listlessly in the air.
The light also fell softly on the back of Lance's head, casting shadows over the paladin's face. With his eyes closed and lips slightly parted with shallow breaths, Shiro could lose himself in staring at Lance. So that he could count each inhale, the seconds as Lance breathed out.

When Lance opened his eyes and peered at him, looking tired and ready for a long nap, Shiro knew they didn't have time to stare at each other and enjoy the other's company.

No, their armor didn't have an endless supply of oxygen to filter through, and Shiro knew that Lance was running low, even with Shiro's hands covering the hole in his armor.

Debris had slammed into Lance from behind hard enough to break the armor and send Lance down. The tear in his suit and armor was nothing bigger than a small coin but the suit still flashed red lights inside warning Lance about a breach in his armor's integrity, and as such, his oxygen filtration was compromised.

With the castle now having a massive hole into space ripped into it, they had to secure their helmets on and hope for the best.
The living-room like area they had both been in was now enclosed with twisted metal from the walls and chunks of crystal scattered.
Neither of them could walk, the rocking of the castle ship had sent both of them across the room like toys. Shiro had landed on his foot wrong, already knowing it had broken before the pain even caught up to him. As he stumbled back, the seating came off the floor and flipped on top of Shiro's uninjured leg, trapping him down on the floor.
Lance had taken the worse damage however, and Shiro's flashbacks of Lance jumping in the way of Coran and a bomb made him scared.

Much more scared since this wasn't just a normal bomb. No, it was a suicide mission, one that had hopes of taking the paladins down with it when the galra commander had slammed their ship head on into the castle.

With none of it's defenses up, the castle had no chance to prevent the collision and consequently, the puncture. The sudden depressurization of the rooms sent machinery to bust and explode.
Shiro didn't know where the other paladins were, he didn't know where the princess was. He just hoped that Coran had taken care of her, somehow they were safe.

He only knew of Lance, who was still blinking in a daze at the floor in Shiro's arms. With frustration building, Shiro knew he was losing the blue paladin too quickly.
His oxygen supply was hissing away between Shiro's fingers and his body was littered with cuts and bruises from where he'd tumbled over furniture in the event of the castle lurching sideways.
Lance's jaw was wobbling as well, giving away his chattering teeth. His glazed over look told Shiro that Lance wasn't just cold from losing oxygen but he was fighting to stay conscious. It took everything Shiro had to not panic.

"Hey, buddy, stay with me, okay?"
Lance smiled at Shiro softly, just an uptick of his lips before he nodded, eyes closing.

"Wouldn't go anywhere without you, Shiro." He whispered, turning his head to rest on Shiro's chest now.
Were they not wearing their armor, Shiro was positive Lance would have been able to hear his heart racing. And maybe, if their armor was off and in an entirely situation, this would be comfortable and relaxing.

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