Blueberry Rainbow Cake

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Lance woke up to the sound of something rattling in his kitchen, the bed strangely empty and a little cold without the usual, familiar, warm body in it with him. Yawning, he checked the clock and blinked blearily at the glaring red numbers proclaiming it to be...

"What the fuck."

"Why did I have to wake up at three in the goddamn morning?" The adult groaned, rubbing at his eyes. A clatter and a startled yelp reminded him why, and he sighed.
He stretched lazily and crawled out of bed, muttering about someone definitely getting La Chancla™ for waking him up at this unholy hour. Slippered feet padded down the stairs and through the living room, sleepy eyes intent on the kitchen doorway.
He was not expecting flour exploded all over the walls, milk spilt across the counter, sugar scattered over the stove and eggs shattered on the floor. His eyes widened, jaw dropping as he took in the messy man on the floor, covered in white dust and smears of batter.
"Oh! Good morning, love! Um, I can explain?" His husband looked up at Lance with a sheepish grin, a bowl of lumpy batter full of what looked like sprinkles in his hands from where he'd dived to catch it from across the room.
Lance raised an eyebrow, folding his arms over his chest. "An explanation would be great, Shiro. Exactly why does my kitchen look like Hunk's bakery exploded?" He asked, the very picture of a disgruntled housewife.
Shiro sighed and set the bowl on the floor, standing up before he grabbed it again to set the mixture on the counter. He dusted off his black sweatpants, Lance cringing at the thought of trying to get those stains out, and turned back to face his husband.
"Well, uh, the thing is... I wanted to make you a cake for your birthday today?" Shiro shuffled in place, rubbing the back of his neck and smearing more flour across his skin, Lance motioning for him to continue, tapping his foot against the tiled floor.
"So I called Hunk yesterday to ask how to bake your favorite, blueberry rainbow? And, well, I've never actually baked a cake before, or any sweets for that matter, so while I tried to follow the instructions Hunk sent me, somehow I sort of dropped the flour, which led to me knocking over the eggs trying to grab it but ended up also crashing into the stove and got sugar everywhere while the milk tipped over... the blueberries are still safe in the fridge, I think." Shiro rambled, counting off of his prosthetic fingers.
Lance huffed out a quiet chuckle, which turned into a full blown laughing fit. Shiro pouted at his husband, the cute puppy dog one, until the Cuban male had finally recovered his breath.
"Oh honey, that's so sweet of you. You didn't have to, we could have just asked Hunk to make me one." Lance grinned at his lover, relaxing against the doorframe.
Shiro's pout increased its intensity. "Yeah, but it's our first year as a married couple, and I wanted to one up myself from last years gift... so I figured I'd try something I've never done before, like bake you a cake." The big man mumbled.
Lance's smile softened and he moved across the kitchen to plant a gentle kiss against Shiro's batter stained cheek.
"It's the thought that counts, really. But let's leave the baking to Hunk and Shay. For now, how about you take a shower and come back to bed? We'll clean this up in the morning." He murmured, pulling back and licking batter off of his lips.
"Though, at least you got the amount of sugar right!"

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