Chapter 6 (EXO)

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After we finished eating we walked around in the woods. I was split up from the others, so I chose to wander further off. A few miles away I found a shimmering glassy pond. It was like it was calling me to the depths of darkness. I was about to touch the water when I heard growling around me, I quickly looked around shocked, and frightened. There are multiple red eyes seen in between the trees. Some of them come closer, but I'm not afraid of them. I'm used to them...

"Y/N..." Someone calls in a familiar voice. "J-jin?!" I ask scared, and hopeful. He pokes his head out from the tree, and runs to me with open arms. I back up a little because I don't know if I have power over my wolf. Or if i even know how to use the power... "They said they hated does that mean I will hate them too?" I softly ask myself Jin coming closer. He is inches from me now, but zI put my hand out and stop him. "Don't, Jin..." I say, Jin looks shocked and confused. He holds my hand in his. "Why? What happened?!" Jin asks worriedly with his pink eyes. I shed a tear, but say the words to become what I am not... Smoke once again flurries around me, but it's blue. Jin coughs a few times, and blows the smoke away with his hands. "Y/N?! Y/N?!" Jin calls out repeatedly, I sit down so he can see me. "Here,Jin..." I say. "W-what?!" Jin looks horrifyed at my appearance. I lower my head, and wait for punishment. Jin kicks me in the head, which sends me flying. Before I hit the ground I steady myself, but soon fall again from the sudden howls. I hit a rock and I whimper loudly, red ooze flushing out of my side. 12 wolves apear from the dark woods, facing Jin. They get in ready stance, most likely to attack, "N-no..." I say but I whimper loudly again. Kai, and Luhan turn to me, so does someone knew.

"Y/N!" They say quickly looking at Jin to see if he would move. He didn't he just started to get pissed, and sad. "Why, Y/n?! How could you do this to Yoongi!?" He said before runing off again. "S-sorry..." I whisper, but I know Jin can hear it. Y/N....Y/N...! Are you okay?! What?...Jungkook...? Is that you?

Yes...are you okay...?'

No... Jin threw me into a boulder, now I'm badly hurt...

What?! I'll kill him!'s fine, but  I have a problem...

What is it?

I'm....a wearwolf...

My mind cuts out before I could sense Jungkooks response. Kai turns to human form,but his shirt was torn off, so I was being carried against his bare chest. He had an amount of muscles that calmed me, (Weird kinky shit right dere...) I cuddled up to him as he craddled me in his strong arms. I was laid down to rest, but I could tell I was being watched. I open one eye to see 4 other boys watching me. One with dark hair, that had a dark silly expression on him, another with a side swoop, but he looked fairly seriouc, and then a guy with a beanie, lastly, someone who looked rather approachable. The first looked up at me shocked, but they soon stood up saluting quickly. They were nervous. " I'm Tao... this is Cris... that is Beakhyun, and that silly one there is Xiumin. " Tao said smiling nicely, whilst bouncing the balls of his feet. I laid upwards, and tried to stand to greet them, but I soon fell to the ground in agony. I forgot I have a cut in my side. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Careful!" Beakhyun grabbed me gently trying to help me up. I was impressed by their curtessy. I slightly bowed. "Kai, and the others are out for food, and what not, so you have our bundles of joy and the grinch to work with ya!" Xiumin said smiling widely. Huh...reminds me of Taehyung... I think hopeing they didnt notice my staring, "What? do I have something on my face?" Xiumin asks wiping his face. "No, no, no , It's just you remind me of someone..." I say hoping he wouldn't ask anymore. "Really, who?" He adds, Oh lord...

"No one it's fine." I reply. They stopped asking things and we played truth or dare. I joined, but the bottle only landed on the others, except for the end. It landed on me and Cris. "Ok, Y/N truth or dare!" "Dare!" "Okay, were you with the vampires before us...?" Cris says. They all look at me suspiciously, "What?N-no!" I say putting ym hands up in defense. "I've just been captured a few times by them thats all!" I add hoping they'd beleive me. "What if I told them...?" I whisper to myself. Xiumin heard, but acted like he didn't, "What did you say?" Xiumin asks, "Nothing, Xiu Xiu!" I try to be cute while saying that, "Xiu Xiu??" He aks, "Yeah it's a cute nickname for a cute guy!" I add smiling innocently, TBH IM A FREAKING INNOCENT BUNNY! Xiumin blushes hard and the boys make fun of him, "Oh~ someone has a crush~!" They chant. I just sit there looking at the clock.

After 2 hours the doorbell goes off. The boys look up at the door than me. "They should have the key..." Cris says eyeing the nob. "I'll text them..." Beakhyun adds biting his nail. After few minutes of silence we hear a ding. "They said they are still at the grocery store." Beakhyun says worriedly looking at the group of us. I'll look throught the peep hole. I get closer, but I grab a kitchen knife in case. "" Xiumin said. I look and see... Oh fuck! "Shit!" I curse, and back up. "What? What?!" Tao questions, "It's the vampires gang leader...Yoongi..." I tell them. They hush me into Xiumins room with him for protection. Xiumin puts his finger over my mouth for silence. I nod and look throught the cracks of the door. I see Tao, Cris, and Baekhyun acting like nothing happened. Cris is at the door, and Tao is trying not to tear them apart. They're sturggling I can tell, but it's all for me... To keep me safe...I back up but something hits the ground, it's a black pearl frog attached to a necklace. "Fuck!..." I was covered quickly by Xiumin. A tear falls down from fear. I hear something break, and some people sprinting to my door. I look through the crack to see nothing until, "AHHHHH!" I scream in fear. I saw Yoongi's red eye through the key hole. "Come on!" Xiumin yells dragging me out the window, and turning into the wolf. He puts me on his back, and we meet up with the others...

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