Chapter 17(Forsworn)

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After the hugging session he bandages my wounds and almost cracks the marble counter from his anger. At one point he went out and I heard him talking to someone, "What did they do to her?!" They seemed rather worried about me, so I took a peek. I saw him, a guy with red hair and light blue contacts in, he seemed to be much more pissed than the guy who helped me. I stepped a little closer to get a better look, but he saw me. I froze, Who are these people?! Why do they care so much? Are they friendly or foe? Oh, shit! I thought to myself while I was crouched on the ground with only my hoodie and jeans that the guy gave me. He looked for a bit, and then acted like nothing happened. I sigh lightly ,thankfully it didn't catch their attention. I saw some of my stuff on the desk I was hiding behind, so I grabbed it, and searched for anything useful. I reached in the pocket of my bag and pulled out a keychain with a synth on it. It was small but the chain could easily be pulled off.

I was mesmerized, but that lasted moments. The men had both notices me now. I look up in fear, and he looks down angrier than he was. I was so scared that I jump out the open window, "No! Wait!" I hear them call, but it's too late. Their hands missed my hood, and I did a roll, landing fine and dandy on the ground. I started sprinting, even though I was shocked by my own moves. I jumped their hedge, and from the garden I went into a deserted building. I rest on a tree and slope down to the bottom. I huff while rewinding what happened so far. I kept remembering something about them, I just couldn't put my finger on it. I turn to the side of me and see, a dead body... My eyes wide and my pulse quikens, "AHHHHHH!!" I scream in fright, running past blown away ashes, and Into the dark building. [Stupid as fuck ik but still story plot am I right?] I run down the stairs hoping to be in a clear safe zone. Sadly, things get worse. I see more bodies, even more scarier was how they were killed. One had a surgery table down what was left of his throat, and the other his face looked like a sliced ham. I walked into a room with a simple light hanging, a table in the middle. I look some more and see blood gashes everywhere. I gasp and, and fall to the ground in pain. My mind hurts like hell, and everything's blurry. I see me laying on the ground a shadow or ghost like object looking over me.
I wanted to run, but i froze in fear until I came to my senses and got up.
Everything went back to normal, and I got up from the ground. I hold my arms and shiver from fear.  "Okay, Y/N you need to get moving. No other choice." I say to myself, mentally slapping myself. I nod and puff out my red cheeks. "Okay! Let's go!" I say to myself. I walk around some more, and see my horrid things. Their was a table with machines that look like they were from medical buildings and there seemed to be jail cells. I walk around it and see a chair and leg braises on it. I put my finger to my chin, "Was I held here?" I think for a moment, waiting for another memory, but I get nothing. I sigh and look for more rooms, after thirty minutes I leave. When i open the door I immediately hear a noise in the forest. It's all around me. Unknowingly I grab the synth chain. I see a glow of light and it's in my hands. It seems fairly light and is shockingly beautiful to me. I spin it around and ready myself for the noise. Sadly, a bunny comes out of a bush. I smile and drop the synth. It runs, rather hopped to me, with a feared expression. I look up and see the black nose of a wolf in front of me. The bunny, now behind me, runs even faster than before. I kneel down and put my hands up defensively, my breathe becomes shaky and my mind is blurred. It growls and barks in my face. I fall back a little, but close my eyes and cover my ears. My mind is clear again, but it hurts a lot worse than last time. I see Tao, and Xiumin. They're waiting in front of the house for me, I was running back when a wolf came to me and bit me. Tao saved me while Xiumin chased off the wolf.

After the moment was over I look up and the wolf was about to pounce on me, he did ,but I kicked him off, sadly, he was half way to the ground when he bit me. My eyes flashed a red color, and I covered them. I have flashes of anger and a feeling inside of me that wants to end this. I slowed my breathing, and opened my eyes. I reached for my synth but it seemed to disappear. so I grabbed a stick and broke it in half. It was sharp enough so I jumped at the wolf. I looked at me with sadness in its eyes, and I stopped. I blinked and everything was fine. Until, I looked down and saw blood... It wasn't mine, but the rabbit could say other wise. It was trying to save the wolf, or maybe... It was trying to save me...? I was scared, so scared that I fell and back up from the corpse. The black as night wolf came to me calmly. "I'm sorry." It said. I didn't care that an animal was talking, but I cared more about the rabbit. "He was trying to save both of us." The wolf added. "I know animals can talk and things, but what can you expect this is what some call the Dark forest... anyways, I am Jace." I finally turned to the beast, and just nodded, "You are?." Jace said picking up the bunny and bringing it to a hole he dug. "Y/N..." I replied. Putting the rabbit in the hole, and mourning it. Jace leaned on me, and I hugged him. "I'll take you back." Jace said. I nodded yes, and we walked back to Jungkooks mansion. I pet his head every so often, but we didn't make it in time before darkness did. We set up camp, but with nothing except forest wood and the only lighter I had, for absolutely no reason at all...haha....
We started a fire, and cuddled for warmth... I had weird dreams that night.

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