An Angel In Death (boyxboy)

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"Run!!!" I yelled while i sprinted up the stairs taking two at a time.

"Come on, we've only got two more flights left, we're almost there!" I yelled back to my older sister lisa.

" I can't! I'm too tired Derrik!" she yelled back to me breathless.

I could hear a group of foot falls behind us growing louder and i stared to panic. As I reached the top, I dared a look over the railing and to my horror They were one flight down and gaining on lisa.

"Shit! lisa come on they're tight behind you! quick through here!" I shouted as she reached the top, our pursuers right behind her.

I pushed the door open and pushed her through, and closing the door as i felt a hand grip my arm. I struggled to keep the door closed till lisa slid two brooms through the door handles.

I slid to the floor exhausted and breathing hard, lisa sat down next to me. We looked at each other for a minute and then started laughing. " Oh my god you should have seen your face!" she laughed at me. "shut up" I pouted. " that was actually really close. I thought they were gonna get you." I said honestly, worry tracing my words.

Since day one of the zombie outbreak, lisa and I have been on our own.

Lisa stopped laughing and looked at me with a serious look. " I won't let those things get me. I'll put up a fight before I become their next meal." she said hugging me. I hugged her back with the strongest bear hug I could give her.

" Can't. Breath. Need. Air." I let her go and laughed as she gasped pr air.

" Alright, lets get back to the appartment so we can actually relax and get some rest." lisa said while picking up our bag of goods that she tossed aside moments ago.

I got up and slung my arm around her shoulder. we could still hear the pounding on the door as we walked away.

When we got back home i threw my self on the couch and checked my watch for the time.

"What time is it?" lisa asked as she put the bag of goods down on the table to look through what we have.

" Six twenty five pm. It's almost time. I'll go turn the radio on." I said as i went to go get the radio that we keep  in the kitchen. 

I brought the radio back to the living room and turned it on. I turned the tuning dial till i heard the familiar voice i was looking for.

" This is a broadcast from a camp outside of Witchita kansas. If there are any survivors out there, We can provide food, water, shelter and protection. We have a cure, I repeat we have a cure. All hope is not lost." The broadcast ended in a clasical tune.

We've been listining to the broadcast every night at six thirty pm. we have been planning for this trip ever since we first heard it. We've been stocking up on food and water and amunition. We have also been siphoning gas from other cars and stocking up on gas too, for one of the cars in the garauge in the apartment. We live in down town chicago, so we have a long  trip ahead of us.

"hey, you want to help me go thru what we got here?" lisa asked me as i was turning off the radio.

She dumped the contents on to the table. I started naming off as i picked up items.

" Med, kit, four cans of beans, a pair of...... Really heels?! do you plan on going out on a date with the zombies?! NO we are not turning our supply pack into your closet." I said as i threw the pair of high heels over my shoulder.

" Awwwwww!!! but they're really cute." she said with a pout.

I mean seriously! we are in the middle of the freaking zombie apocalypse and all she worries about is looking cute. Geez some times I fell like i am the older one here. But no, she has to be the eighteen year old and I end up being the seventeen year old. I shake my head in dissaproval.

An Angel In Death (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now