Chapter 1

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zoey pov

So I got up being woke up by my little sister telling me my mom said to get up. so I woke up out of bed and went to the bathroom and looked at myself and seen the scars on my face from yesterday and started to cry. I wish they would stop bullying me its really hurts me in and out. I got in the shower and washed up really good I smelt like strawberrys which was really nice I got out and dried off. I went into my closet and put on some underwear and a bra. I called donnia to wake her up.

Donnia: *anwsers but is half sleep* hewwo

Zoey: wake up its almost time to school *starts to put on my joggers I was going to wear*

Donnia: oh snap what time is it *jumps out of bed*

Zoey: 7:30

Donnia: oh snap ima call you when I come to go to the bus stop

Zoey: *laughs and puts my shirt on* ok dont fall

Donnia: really funny and alright bye girl 

Zoey: bye *hangs up*

so I finish getting dressed and put my shoes on and went into the bathroom and did my makeup I tried my best to cover my scars but I mean im going to get more anyway. I grab my phone and headphones and my book bag and went downstairs. I went to go say bye to my mom and told her ill be back tommrow and that I was spending the night at Donnia house tonight she said ok. so then my phone buzzes so I anwsers

Zoey: hello

Donnia: im outside

Zoey: ok bye *hangs up and goes outside*

Donnia: Hey zozo

Zoey: hey 

Donnia: you might wanna run *coughs* mateo *coughs*

I turn around and see mateo behind me so i started to run but I didnt get far cause he caught up to me why me why.

Mateo: *grabs you and jacks you up* see you made it worst you ran

Zoey: what else am i suppose to do

Mateo: not run *puts you down* i just wanted to talk

Zoey:* rolls eyes* about what there's nothing in the world that you have t talk to me about you bully me 24/7 when are you gonna give me a break you been doing this sense 3rd grade havent you had enough *starts to cry*

Mateo pov

I didnt really mean any harm I was just trying to say sorry to her and i was being serious. the way i hit her yesterday I could see the marks she tryed to hide them. I couldnt believe I had hurt her that bad I was so hurt man I started to cry.


Mateo: huh oh sorry

Zoey: whatever I have to get on the bus

Mateo: zoey wait 

Zoey: *walks away* 

Mateo: *pulls her by the arm and kisses her on the lips*

Zoey: *trys to get away*

Mateo: *pulls her closer to him and depends the kiss*

Zoey: *falls in and puts her arms around mateo neck*

Mateo: *puts arms around her waist*

Zoey: *pulls away* MATEO STOP

Mateo: what * i see the bus* ohh

Zoey: yeh *gets on the bus* 

Still mateo pov

I sit in the back of the bus and i pull zoey back there with me tbh with you no one sits back her so I can do what I want back here. I sat her on my lap and put my hand up her shirt and start to unclip her bra but she stoped me.

Mateo: why you stoped me

Zoey: we cant do that on the bus

Mateo: why not says who

Zoey: me I do

Mateo: wow...well meet me at my house after school 

Zoey: I can't

Mateo: *looks at her akwardly* why not

Zoey: Im going to donnia house after school

Mateo: change of plans you comming to mine

Zoey pov

I know he didnt just first make out with me! and then trying to have sexwith me who does he think i am a hoe not 


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