Chapter 20

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Zoey pov

Im not a cheater im not gonna kiss him am I if I was important and if he cared about me why he cheat on me beat on me and etc... that dont make sense if it was the other way around he would be mad when he touched my face I was gonna fall in but I resisted until I seen his eyes he looked so misareble I still couldnt so I step back and we just stared at each other until...

Mateo: Zoey dont do this your hurting me 

Zoey: me hurting you what about you hurting me Mateo im not slow as you think you dont think I didnt see you kiss pay at the resturant yall two could keep yall eyes off of each other the whole night and as soon as I go outside with trey you kiss her that aint right

Mateo: and im sorry zoey im sorry for keep hurting you over and over again I dont know what was going on with me at the time

Zoey: Ion wanna here all you do is say sorry This is the end of this 

Mateo: so you gonna give up on 4 years of being together 

Zoey: me I was the one trying to keep us together after everything you did So your the one who gave up 

Mateo: I said I was sorry 

Zoey: sorry isnt enough *goes in my purse and hands you a brown paper bag and goes bk home*

Mateo pov

I drove bk to the house and sat on my bed and looked at the bag and opened it It had paper work and a ........ test I read the test them the paper work Zoey's 9 weeks pregnant I'm so fucked up man now what I look like She probably wwont let me even see the baby Wth have I done  

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