New beginnings

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-everyone still glancing down at the child as Mateo continues to read the paper-
Mateo POV
There's no way only thing I remember is me and key rapping zoey and beating her until she stopped breathing and we brought her here and lied the last one to rape her was I really a father now ? I'm almost 19 a father before I even graduate...

Zoey POV
I don't think I can take this anymore I remember feeling so much pain 7 months ago but I didn't tell anyone I was pregnant not even my dad...what will he think? What will he say ? Shit what if he already knows?...

Zoey dads knocks on the door lightly opening it slightly asking everyone to leave so him and zoey could talk. Everyone leaves the room quietly as Mateo picks up journey walks out of the room closing the door gently. Zoey dad sits at the end of the bed and places his hand on zoeys leg not tryin to make eye contact

Zoey: dad...what happened to me
Zoey dad: Mateo and Key raped you over 7 months ago've been here since...I'm sorry I didn't believe you all the times that you to-... -he trailed off placing his hand over his mouth silently crying - all the times you told me I should've listened and tried to help you I'm so sorr-... -he trailed off again and he felt a hand on his hand to look up and see Zoey smiling he wiped his tears in confusion -
Zoey: I forgive you -she smiled from ear to ear to reassure her father that she was okay passing him a couple of tissues to wipe his face-
Zoey dad: how are you so forgiving?... don't you hate me...I hate myself
Zoey: if I hate you I'll have no reason to love someone else or move on with my life...I have to use my heart and my head isn't good enough
Her dad looked up at her and then at the side to see his deceased mother holding onto his hand and he smiled embracing zoey with a hug
Zoey dad: I wish I was strong hearted and minded like you
He said rubbing Zoeys back gently holding her close and tight
Zoey: you already are...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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