Chapter 22

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Mateo pov

I got here first so I cleaned up the house and by the time I was putting clothes in the washer she pulled up I opened the door and she walked inside she looked around and turned around and looked at me I touched her face she touched my face I kissed her she kissed back I put my arms around her waist and pulled her closer and she put her hands around my neck making the kiss deeper I picked her up and took her to the couch (this about to get real so be mature) I layed her on the couch deepening the kiss more I kissed her on her neck she let out soft moans she bite her lip in pleasure I kissed her down her body to her pants line and took off her tights and threw them on the floor I used my teeth to take her underwear off and put them to the side I put one finger in and she gasp in pleasurement(you guys I cant write this anymore so my brother gonna finsih this chapter) I moved my finger around inside of her making her vonerable I put my touge inside her and she gribed onto my hair pushing my head down deeper moving my touge inside of her I did it about 3 more mins and she came and I licked it all I came back up and kissed her and asked her was she ready she said yes I took off my pants and boxers Inserted in side of her slowly 

Zoey: mateo why you doing this all slow like I never had sex before *laughs*

Mateo: shh im tryna let you enjoy the moment 

Zoey: oh well continue

I went fast she was moaning and scracting my back I was going from meduim to slow and she got on top of me and started to ride me 

~2 hours later upstairs in the bed room~

Zoey: ima go take a shower 

Mateo: ok 

She went and took and shower and put some shorts and a t shirt on I cleaned up the house and change the sheets well she was in the shower (ok im back na and my brother horny ass I cant stand his ass but anyways back to the story) she came out and got in the bed I went and took a shower and put on some boxers and basketball shorts and layed next to her she turned around and layed her head on my chest I smiled and kissed her forehead she fell asleep and so did I

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