chapter 14

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Zoey pov

I woke up next to Mateo in the bed he was still sleep I walked to the bathroom and saw I had on night clothes did he get me dressed for bed I turned on the water to brush my teeth and was my face I turned on the shower and got in it was steeming hot but i ain't really care I got my hair wet so it could be really curly I got out and wrapped a towel around me and went in my suitcase and put on some blue shorts and a white crop top with some white air Force ones and dried my hair a little and put on some lip gloss and went and met donnia, donasia,and pay downstairs we were going to the mall

Donnia: Hey

Zoey: Hey

Donnia: y'all ready to go

Donasia & Pay: yeah

Zoey: one sec I'll meet y'all at the mall ok

Donnia: you going to call and Uber

Zoey: yeah or get the keys from Mateo

Donnia: Uber it is see you there

Zoey: ok

I had left my purse upstairs I went upstairs to get it and I was about to walk out the door before

Mateo: Gm and we're you going

Zoey: I'm going to the mall with donnia donasia and pay

Mateo: not wearing that no your not

Zoey: really

Mateo: yes really *picks you up and puts you on the bed*

Zoey: Mateo really I'm just going to the mall

Mateo: mhmm I'm coming with you

Zoey: no you not

Mateo: *kisses your neck*

Zoey: Mateo don't

Mateo: *continue*

Zoey: *moans*

Mateo: *stops and walks away smerking*

Zoey: ouo I hate you and fine you can come but hurry up

Mateo: ok *takes a shower*

I called donnia and told her what happened she told me to go wake up Ayo and call Jordan so they can come to she said that donasia left to go do something and she'll see us later

Zoey: Mateo I'll be back be dressed by the time I get back

Mateo: were you finna go

Zoey: I gotta go wake up your brother

Mateo: ok

I went down the hall to wake up Ayo I nocked on the door he came to the door

Ayo: wassup

Zoey: nun your girlfriend told me to wake you up and get dressed

Ayo: ok we're is she

Zoey: she at the mall I'm calling an Uber to come pick us up

Ayo: why do that when we have cars

Zoey: see what happened was I was coming to get my purse and Mateo blah blah but you know

Ayo: mhm yeah come in for a sec

Zoey: ok *walks in*

Ayo: *shuts the door* you see that bag over there

Zoey: yeah what's in it

Ayo: money

Zoey: money who's money

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