Chapter 7

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Zoey pov


Zoey: WHY


Zoey: YOU NVM *goes and calls the ambulance *

~they take her to the hospital~

of course I stay home I aint got nun to do I called my bsf over so he came and me and him talked and played games and shii ate food and then I fell asleep so he went home

3:00 Am

Now its 3 am I finally woke back up and mateo isnt home so I said fuck it I cleaned up the house took another shower cause I smelled like my bsf colon and change clothes and washed mine then I took the trash out and everything by the time I was down It was 5 am I had to be up anyway I had a photo shoot today So I went upstairs and puts some clothes on and made me some breakfast the whole time I was dabating If I should write mateo and tell him I went to work it was 5: 45 so i said fuck it and went to work

~at the photo shoot~

manager: Zoey we need to talk 

Zoey: ok wassup

manager: so we live thursday but we dont come back here we go to 4 diffrent states 

Zoey: how many months 

manger: about 4 to 3 months tops 

Zoey: anything else

manager: we have two other dancers coming

I pray she talking about ayo and mateo

Zoey: who

manager: Ayo and mateo

thank you jesus

Zoey: oh ok 

manager: now get back to work

so I finshed the soot and I get a call from mateo

Zoey: hello *with a attuide*

Mateo: were you at *pissed off*

Zoey: im at work

Mateo: mhmm get home asap

Zoey: mhmm k bye *hangs up*

Mateo think I wont beat his ass on sight but Im not gonna lie im starting to fall in love with him I drove back to the house and he was there I walked inside but he was sleep on the couch so I put my stuff on the counter but my phone 


Mateo: im up pay *goes back to sleep*

Did this nigga call me pay and I see some stuff that aint right I get a pitcher with ice water and pour it on him and see this girl sneaking out the house *sighs*  I walk upstairs and moving quietly and pack my bags and goes back to my house 

A/N im skipping till thursday tour day still zoey pov

I woke up that morning its 4 o'clock and I had to go in 30 mins the car came for them to take us to the airport so I got in ~1 hr later~ im finally inside the airport I meant up with my manager to get my ticket and stuff like that and Went to do what I had to do and went and got on my plane a couples mins later mateo ayo and donnia got on Of course mateo was siting by me I aint say a word to him there was nothing for me to say to him I started to txt my bsf he told me to always hit him up in time of need 

*txt convo*

Babygirl: Hey bsf

Bsf4life: wassup bbg u good?

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