Chapter 13

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Zoey pov

I walked back downstairs and sat next to trey and started to eat my food

Zoey: trey we did a good job *giggles and eats a piece of bacon*

Trey: yep sure did well we know I did all the heavy work *smiles and raises eyebrows*

Zoey: *smacks trey in the head* boi

~door opens~ 

Trey: who that

Zoey: OM-

Pay & Donasia: were back woes 

Zoey: *says something under my breathe*

Trey: hey baby

Zoey: Baby?? Wtf

Trey: yeah pay is my baby

Pay: yep *runs up to trey and kisses him*

Zoey: *clenches jaw and stares at pay devisly*

Donasia: Zoey can I talk to you for a sec

Zoey: yeah sure *gets up and walks outside*

Donasia: *walks behind you and shuts the door* I wanted to say I'm sorry for what I did I shouldn't have acted that way To you

Zoey: it's cool and I understand you were upset I get that

Donasia: cool friends

Zoey: yeah sure

Donasia: ok and I know your wondering what that was all about

Zoey: hell yeah ion want my bsf to be hurt shii

Donasia: I know but all I can do is try and talk to her but she don't listen and when blank blank finds out were we are were all dead

Zoey: what you mean

Donasia: Zoey sit and listen *sits down*

Zoey: *sits down*

Donasia: I'm guessing he hasn't told you yet but Mateo,Ayo,And imprint all are thugs they sell drugs and have guns and money stashed everywhere sooner or later there gonna ask you to help them say yes because if you don't you'll get punished and you don't want that

Zoey: thanks d I appreciate you telling me

Donasia: one more thing you might have to stop dressing like a tom boy to

Zoey: damn but thanks you can come inside and eat breakfast if you want

Donasia: thanks

~they walk in the house~

when we walked in Mateo and Ayo were gone Trey said they went to go meet imprint and talk tbh im really scared what if I die what if I get raped all these questions going through my head I went back to my hotel and took a shower and and got dressed for bed and layed down and went to sleep 

Hours later....

Mateo pov

I guess Its time for me to get zoey into this better or nothing ayo already got donnia into it so I have a job to do tonight so I went to trey house to pick up zoey but she wasnt there I went back to the hotel and she was there sleep I woke her and told her to get dressed in something sexy and she went 

Zoey pov 

I already knew what time it was so you know I had to dress bad asf so this is what I wore that below 

I already knew what time it was so you know I had to dress bad asf so this is what I wore that below 

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