Chapter 18

417 19 17

Zoey pov

Zoey: Im in love with you to trey

Trey: I been in love with you longer then you know

Zoey: I know I just pushing you away cause I didnt want you to know Im in love with you to

Trey: Will you be my girlfriend???

Zoey: Yes Ill be your girlfriend

Trey: *smiles*

Zoey: wait but promise me something

Trey: Ok what is it bbg

Zoey: Dont change who you are cause thats who I fell in love with 

Trey: Ok bbg and promise me something

Zoey: what is that

Trey: Dont change who you are 

Zoey: ok

Mateo pov

What the Hell am I doing and Im stupid were zoey were trey omg what have I done I did it again she not gonna take me back now omg I minest well stay with pay now 

Pay: *pulls away* Yes

Mateo: wait you planed this

Pay: yep

Mateo: you make me sick I just lost the girl of my life I dont think ill ever be the same again

Pay: well I can give you something she can't 

Mateo pov

NO I just want my baby

Mateo: what is that

Pay: the best sex ever

Mateo: *fake smiles*

Pay: *smiles and takes your hand*

~At his house  yall have sex~

Mateo pov 

During this whole time I cant stop think about zoey man im fucked up these question keep going through my head

Am I going to get her back??

Is she with trey?? 

Do I need to die??

Ima call her *calls zoey*

Zoey: *anwsers* Hello 

Mateo: zoey meet me at the water fall 

Zoey: Ok 

~At the water fall~

Zoey: why you wanted me to meet you here 

Mateo: *oulls the gun from behind my back*

Zoey: Mateo put the gun down

Mateo: No im such a fuck up I fucked up our relationship so many times I cant count them one hand. and thats dont make sense I fell in love with you man and I keep fucking up your heart and it aint right *points the gun at my head*

Zoey: *walks to you and takes the gun*

Mateo: *tears fall* I cant live here anymore zoey

Zoey: *tear fall* Yes u can 

Mateo: I cant live here with you *looks at u*

Zoey: Mateo I go out with trey

Mateo: so you telling me You dont love me no more

Zoey: I do love you

Mateo: Then kiss me 

Zoey: *looks at u* Mateo I cant 

Mateos: *looks you in your eyes and coms closer* tell me you love me

Zoey: I-i-i .............


Heres the end you guys so you know what that means new book coming soon

its gonna be called 

Mateo or Troy 

OK luv yall bye

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