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Alpha Thornton sat behind the big oak desk in his office waiting for the Royal Ambasitors to arrive. His daughters, Grace, and Faith silently sat in the chairs opposite their father. Looking at the two blond haired blue eyed girls, he couldn't help but miss his mate and eldest daughter. He was glad that his black hair and brown eye had skipped his daughters. A knock on the door pulled him out of his thought.

"Come in," he called standing up. His daughters followed his lead. Striding into the room a lady with strawberry blond hair and shining green eyes flanked by two tall young men with black hair and the same eyes. "Buna ziua Annalise Raceala."

"Buna ziua Alpha Thornton," the lady Annalise replies. "May I introduce his Highness Kristoff Alteta, crown prince of wolfs," Annalise gestures to the man on her right. He's tall and composed, his hair is parted on the side and smoothed down, and he has intelligence in his eyes. "And his highness Petru Alteta, Prince of wolfs," she gestures to the man on the left. Equally as tall as his brother but fidgets like he has too much energy to stand still. His hair is spiked up with blond tips, and his eyes shine with mirth.

"Buna ziua Crown Prince Kristoff, Buna ziua, Prince Petru," Thornton politely greets. "May I introduce my daughters' Faith and Grace."

"Buna ziua," Faith and Grace both shyly greet.

"Buna ziua," Annalise and Kristoff reply.

"Such beautiful girls, and both of them Omegas! I don't believe that I have ever heard of such a thing happening before." Petru said with a grin.

"What haven't you heard of before?" asked Grace.

"Twin Omegas! I didn't think that it was possible, but here you are." Petru answers enthusiastically.

"Opri asta acum, Petru!" Annalise orders. "I apologize for that, Petru is a bit of a ladies man. Shall we get started?"

"Girls, why don't you check on how dinner is going and see about the arrangements for our guests," Thornton told his daughters.

"Papa, will you be ok?" Faith asks.

"Yes my dears, I will be all right." Both girls leave quietly closing the doors with a small thud.

"Let's get down to business, shall we?" Annalise says as she and Kristoff sit in the seats Faith and Grace left behind. Petru takes the opportunity to perch on the corner of the desk as Thornton eases into his seat. "Well, all inspections went flawlessly, and I must say that yours is the most disciplined pack we've seen so far, altho there are some criticisms about the tour itself."

"Yes, I was quite displeased that the tour was led by the beta and his family and not you." Kristoff coldly states shooting an icy glare at Thornton.

"Yes, I understand, and under normal conditions, I would gladly give the tour myself, but there are things that my pack is dealing with that you know nothing about," Thornton replies.

"What are you talking about?" Annalise asked genuinely curious.

"As you know, Annalise, about 16 years ago I lost my mate, Kristin, and my infant son, John, in childbirth. The same day I received my daughters Grace and Faith. Soon after I tried to call my oldest daughter, Serenity, to get her to come home," Thornton explains.

"Where was Serenity?" asked Annalise.

"Serenity had gone off to find her mate. I was against the idea seeing that I couldn't leave my very pregnant mate to escort my 17-year-old daughter from pack to pack looking for her mate. I also could not allow my daughter to wonder the country alone, so I insisted that she take 50 warriors with her."

"But, this pack doesn't have 50 warriors," Kristoff said a little confused.

"I know so we agreed on ten warriors to act as guards. Also, she was supposed to call me when she reached each pack," explained Thornton. "Serenity never called me, not once! It wasn't until my mate died that I realized this and began to search for her. I knew the name of the first pack that she planned to visit and so began my search there. They told me that she had arrived one morning and left the next day. They also told me where she had planned to go next, so I went to the next pack and the next pack and the next pack and the next. With two infant daughters waiting for me and a pack looking to me for leadership I knew that I would need help, so I came home and arranged search party's to look for my daughter and her guards. It took ten years of three-man search party's going out for a month at a time to find 9 out of 10 guards. It turns out they all found their mates and stayed with them. That is when her trail went cold, and we began doubling our efforts to find her. My pack and I have searched for her from the high northern territories of Cannada into the thick jungles of Sout America with no luck."

"You said that you found 9 of 10 guards. What happened to the last one?" questioned Annalise.

"He was found, or I should say that he came by not long ago to say his goodbyes to his father. He had no clue that we had been searching for Serenity and him," Thornton continued. "He had found his mate in the Crystal Water Pack in Colorado and stayed with her insisting that Serenity stay with him through the winter and attend high school. In the spring she transferred to a school in the Blood Stone Pack territory just one pack over. He helped her with the transfer papers and drove her to the school every day until they could get her an apartment and job to pay for it. He insisted that they remain in contact and would visit her once a week and speak to her over the phone every day. He said that he wasn't suspicious of anything wrong until after a severe storm that killed the power for several days. He went to her apartment and found it empty, and the landlord didn't remember Serenity. I know that you're looking at packs for your grand tour and I was just wondering if you can look a little deeper at the Blood Stone Pack and see if there is something wrong there. And if you happen to find any information about my daughter, if you could pass it on would be greatly appreciated."

"Alpha Thornton," Annalise states. "I am sure that Princes Kristoff and Petru would be honored to look into your daughter's disappearance."

"We would?" questions Petru with a squeak.

"Yes, you are!" Annalise said to Petru. "We will personally look into the Blood Stone Pack."

So, I don't usually do author notes or whatever this is, but seeing as some of the characters speak in different languages I'll include translations when required. Here we go.

Buna ziua- Romanian for good day

Opri asta acum- Romanian for stop this now

Petru- Romanian for Pete

There you go, please remember to vote and comment. If you guys have questions, please ask, and I'll try to answer as soon as possible.

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