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Voices in the distance woke Petru to the swirling mist that clouded Purgatory. Walking towards the feminine voices, he could hear Lucy in the distance. Not wanting to frighten her he called out, "Hello?"

"What do you seek?" a mature woman called back.

"I seek the soul of Lucy Cordus," he said.

"What do want with this soul?"

"I want to bring her back to the realm of the living to be my mate." He answered truthfully.

"Who are you?" Serenity asked trying to calm Lucy.

"Petru Regulus Alteta, Prince of Wolves." The mist began to part reviling Lucy in the arms of a beautiful woman. "Lucy!" he yelled running to her. He tried to touch her but was unable to make contact.

"Do you promise to love and protect her all the days of her life?" the woman asked.

"With every fiber of my being," he said trying and failing to make contact.

"And do you promise to never raise a hand in anger to her?"

"I would never-"

"Sware that you won't!" Serenity said as lightning streaked across the sky.

"If I do then may my balls be blown off by a lightning strike!" Petru swore.

"Lucy, do promise to love and protect Petru all the days of his life?"

"What?" Lucy asked.

"You have to return his vow," Serenity said.

"Why?" Lucy asked confused. "What's going on?"

"I'm asking you to be my mate and wife," Petru said.

"But I'm too young!"

"We'll wait to get married; this is just the mate binding ceremony."

"What happens if I don't return the vow?"

"Then you stay here with me," Serenity said. "I want you to live Lucy, and he wants you for his bride. Choose him and live."

"I so ... vow?" Lucy said not knowing what to say.

"Do you swear to support him in all things?"

"If the cause is just, I think?" 

"What do you mean?" Petru asked.

"I won't support you if I don't agree with you," Lucy said.

"Then how about...you swear not to undermine my authority in public?" Petru offers.

"I so vow," Lucy said.

"You have to declare a punishment if you break that vow," the woman said.

"Then...may I be blown to Bermuda?" 

"I like that," Petru said deciding that Bermuda would be a perfect honeymoon spot.

"My I present to you, Petru Regulus Alteta, Prince of Wolves, my daughter, Omega Lucy Allana Conta. May your bond be strong," the woman said gently pushing Lucy into his arms. Fog enclosed them as they touched and they began to feel heavy, sleepy, as they faded from this realm.

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