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Lucy and Alexia nervously ate their pizza as they sat at the popular table in the cafeteria. Annalise sat between them dissecting her burger. "What's up freaks?" a girl sneered in her high pitched baby voice. Alexia and Lucy cringed at the sound.

"Why, hello," Annalise countered in her calm measured way. "Who are you?"

"Brittny, I rule the school with my boyfriend Duston," she said tossing a lock of her bleach died hair over her shoulder.

"Oh, my condolences, nobody should be stuck with that wimp," Annalise apologized.

"What do you mean?" Brittny growled pinning Annalise to the spot with her ice blue stare.

"Just that he couldn't take a slap how would he handle a punch?"

"How dare you!" Brittny growled as she came after Annalise, her perfect blood red nails extended like claws.

"I'm starving!" Kristoff groaned as he grabbed the burger from Annalise's tray. "God! What is this?" he said spitting out the big bite he had just taken.

"That crud is what we feed the runts here," Brittny sweetly said taking in Kristoff's general hotness. His hair mussed and his suit jacket and tie was in his hand leaving his black shirt untucked and unbuttoned all the way down showing the muscle shirt underneath, this allowed a glimpse of his mark showing hints of wicked brambles, dark purple flowers and a banner of some sort with fancy writing on it. 

"They'll never get any stronger if they eat this trash!" Kristoff exclaimed.

"Hey guys, I'm hungry!" Petru said grabbing the burger from Kristoff and taking a bite. "God! That is Wretched!" he said wiping his tongue on his black t-shirt and giving the girls a breathtaking view of his abs.

"Girls, close your mouths, or you'll catch flys," Annalise scolded.

"Hey, I smell steak," Petru said as he dragged Kristoffs to the lunch line.

"What did you two do to get the attention of the hottest guys this school has ever seen!" Brittny growled.

"Nothing," Alexia said. 

"Peter knocked me over and thought that he broke me," Lucy elaborated. "He refused to leave me alone until I was well."

"Which one is Peter?" Brittny asked.

"Black t-shirt, spiked hair," Annalise said munching on sweet corn niblets.

"Where'd his jacket go?" Lucy asked just now realizing that the leather jacket was missing.

"He probably left it in the office," Annalise said.

"What's he doing in the office?" Alexia asked.

"He's looking at all the records on file trying to see if there's anything wrong," Annalise said. "He's been there all morning."

"Brittny, what are you doing with these freaks?" a sing song voice asked as a brunet Barbie doll of a girl walked up.

"Waiting for hot guys to come back, Morgan," Brittny replied. "What's it to you?"

"Like guys want to hang out with these losers," Morgan sneered as Kristoff sat down by Alexia with two trays piled with steaks, baked potatoes, and corn on the cob.

"You're not going to eat all of that are you?" Brittny asked disgusted at the amount of food in front of Kristoff.

"What's it to you?" Kristoff asked.

"Brittny," Morgan whispered to her friend. "That's the black wolf everybody's been talking about." 

 "Black wolf?" Petru said sitting by Lucy with half a German chocolate cake still on the cake stand.

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