Winter Wonderland

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Your pov~
We kept walking until the air grew crisp and cold and the ground crunched beneath our feet.
"We're outside."
"Indeed we are! I have something special planned but in order to do that we need to go to Hogsmeade."
"Now why is that?"
"If I tell you it won't be a surprise, now would it?"
"Ugh, you and your surprises..." I complain.
"What you don't like them?"
"No no! I do! I just wanna know what it is!"
He started to chuckle,"Well you'll just have to wait!" He said as he poked my nose.
"You don't like that?"
"Well it's not that. It's just I kinda get this feeling whenever you touch me."
"A bad feeling..? Do you want me to stop?"
"No it's not a bad feeling! I mean, if it were anyone else I'd be really uncomfortable. I don't really like physical contact. But with's fine. You get me?"
He squeezes my arm a bit,"I get you."
I let out a small giggle. Not the flirtatious kind, no Im not one of those girls. More of an awkward kind that I like to keep in but sometimes it slips out.
"Haha, there we go! You should laugh more often. I like it when you laugh."
"Bahhhhhhhhnnnnnoooooo...Im okay."
"You have a pretty laugh."
"You're delusional."
"Sure I am! But what is your point?"
I shake my head as I scoff,"My point is, you're a dork. Especially if you like my laugh."
"There's nothing wrong with your laugh, I like listening to you. Especially cause of your accent."
"I am not the one with the accent, you are!"
"Um, last time I checked everyone here talks like I do. Not like you."
"Fine yes, I have an accent." I guess when we are here he's right, my parents were American but moved to London before I was born.
"Yes! And what a lovely accent it is!" He shouts. All I can do is sigh. He makes me happy. But sometimes it's just awkward.
We make it to Hogmeade and it feels colder than the castle grounds. Maybe it is but it doesn't bother me much. I hear people bustling past us, I can't see how many people are there but I can tell it's pretty crowded today.
"Alright darling what do you want to do first? What I have planned won't begin for an hour."
"You don't like it? How about sugar?"
"Honey? Sweetie? Sweet pea?"
"How about my name?"
"You know Im kidding right?...mostly..."
"Alright. Call me whatever seems necessary."
I can tell he's smiling, " How about, (nick name,n/n). I laugh, "I think I'll be fine with that."
"Alright then, (n/n) shall we go find something to do?"
"Haha, sure why not..."
He proceeds to walk me forward, and I feel a little bad for not being as romantic as most girls are so I lean my head on his shoulder.
I don't have to see him to know that a dorky grin is growing on his face. What else I am sure of is the redness growing on my face.
"Your face is red." He points out unwittingly.
"Shut up!"
"Well it is, and that doesn't have to be a bad thing."
"Oh really I didn't notice."
I just shake my head, my face getting brighter red. There's nothing I can really do about it.
"You're so mean..." I joke.
"You blushing isn't a bad things. As a matter of fact, I too may have slightly gone a bit red when you leaned on me."
"You wouldn't admit that if it were true."
"Yes I would have! I did just now."
I push on him in a playful manner,"Yeah okay... I believe you."
"I'm glad you do. You know how sad it would be if you never believed me?!"
"Okay okay, chill boy. I said I believe you. And I will try to more often. Okay?"
"Okay. I trust you." After that said I lean my head back on him. I'm so glad he chose me out of every girl at school. I was the one luckiest for him to ask out.
Not all girls can say that they are going out with one of the Weasley twins. But I can, and because of that I cannot stop smiling.
"You alright? You're smiling an awful lot."
"Yeah, Im just perfect."
"I am glad to hear those words come from your mouth."
A half hour later after us talking and joking as we walk he stops me. "Okay. I need you to stop here really quick. I need to go do something."
He walks away and I stand there lone and cold waiting for him to come back. A few minutes later I hear him running back to me and stop a few inches in front of me.
"You ready?" He says in a cheery voice. Just then I here a carriage approach us. Horse drawn no doubt.
"Oh Fred you didn't-"
"Oh yes I did." I here the smile in his tone. "What did you think I wouldn't try to make this the best date you'd ever had? I'm not like those faking toss pots at school."
"Oh my gosh. Fred you're amazing!" I squeal with excitement. He actually planned a horse drawn carriage for me!
"Kay take my hand, I'm gonna try to help you up." I nod and grab his hand as he lifts me up onto a seat. After he gets in and sits next you me.
The driver signals the horses to go forward at a relaxed pace. He scoots over closer to me and reaches for my hand, I give it to him in acceptance.
"You didn't have to do all this for me." I whisper loud enough for him to hear as l wan on him once more.
"I know I didn't have to. It was something I wanted to do."
"Hah...I feel like we are in some sappy romance novel right now."
"So what if we are! We're having fun aren't we?"
I get a feeling of butterflies in my stomach. Usually I would be really bothered by it but now I kind of like it, it gives me a feel of happiness.
"Yes, were having fun. But to be fair isn't every moment spent with you fun?"
"Well of course! Im Fred Weasley! Every moment spent with me is an adventure!"
"I wouldn't go that far-" Im interrupted by something hitting my cheek.
It was cold and melted right after it touched me. A snowflake...
"Don't tell me you made it snow too!" I yell with a laughing tone.
"I've gotta admit I did not do that but it is a perfect touch. I should e taken credit for it though! Wow."
"You're such a loser..." I laugh.
It's now more than ever in the past few hours that I wish I had my vision back. Seeing this would only make things that much better.
He cups his hands on both sides of my face and holds his forehead to mine our noses touching,"I know you are but what am I?" He answers.
"Oh my gosh...don't ruin this."
"You and I both know that even if I tried to ruin this it wouldn't work. You find me irresistible."
"Ruined it."
"No I didn't. You're just nervous that's all."
"Deciding my feelings for me huh?"
"Well one of us has to." I smile, "sure..."
He moved his head and kissed me atop of mine. Then put it back against mine.
"Well have to do this again when you can see."
"It won't be as romantic the second time around..."
"Then well just have to change a few things, don't you think?"
I feel my mouth twitch into a somewhat of a smile. I can't say the words so instead I just mouth the word,"yes".
Before moving away he begins to say something again,"I had to ask you, Christmas break is coming up soon, do you think that maybe you can come stay at my house? I pull back a little bit as if to look him in the eyes.
"Well I mean, you can still spend Christmas with your family. But on the last week of the break I was wondering if you would like to stay at the Burrow. I spoke to my parents and they said it would be alright you just have to talk to your moth-"
I stop him with a heavy sigh, but one of happiness and joy. "Fred that'd be amazing..."
"Oh thank goodness, I was scared you'd say no or get mad or-"
"Well of course I would have to ask my mom. But I'm sure if I tell her I'm staying with a 'friend' and not a boy she would be fine with it. She has this thing about boys. I don't know. She doesn't let me out yet."
"Alright, just tell her that you're staying at a girl who's named um... Courtney Jones's house. Sound good?"
"You want me to lie to my mom?!"
"I would lie to anyone for you."
"Okay fine. But just this once! And I won't lie completely. I'll just tell her I'm staying at my friends by the Weasley's. Good?"
"Okay fine, but I still think my plan was good."
"I know."
We laugh a little more and then sit in silence as the ride carries on.
Even though I can't see, today has got to be one of the most beautiful days ever. Nothing could possibly ruin this perfect day I was having.
The ride ended about half an hour later leaving us back at the school. It was awfully nice of them to drop us off back here. It's gotten pretty late I can tell past dinner that is for sure but I don't care. I'm not too hungry.
"So what?"
"Did you have fun?"
"What kind of question is that?! Of course I had fun! That was one of the best times of my life! I can't possibly explain how great that was!"
"I'm happy to hear so. You know, that was probably one of the funnest times I've had as well."
I smile and reach for his hand so he can walk me into the school. We head for the door. The snow slowing our steps a bit but not too bad. I can hear him silently breathing as I myself am breathing at a much quicker pace.
"I wish you could see this, for some reason the stars look a lot prettier than usual. Do you know what I mean?"
"I think I do."

(Time skip to in the hallways cuz I'm too lazy to write that right now, lol)

"The doors are locked. Won't let us in at all."
Fred says as he tries to get my painting to open for me.
"Well how late is it?"
"Around eleven. Our date took longer than expected...sorry."
"That's alright. I forgot they started having extra security because of this Sirius Black business."
"Yeah...well what do we do now? We are both locked out of our common rooms and George and I just shortly gave away our map so he can't see us out here and-"
"What map?"
"I'll explain later. The point is we are left out here for the night so we might as well go find somewhere we won't get caught. Right?"
"Yeah, that would be a good plan..."
"Okay then, let's go..."
We run around a corner quietly but quickly. We were pretty swift, some would mistake us for ninjas.
Few decided to be funny and attempted at a few flips. He failed most of them from what I could tell. I heard numerous thumps and groans afterwards.
"Fred stop that you're going to get us caught!"
I whisper shout in his direction but am caught off guard when I here an unmistakable voice yell from around the corner.
"Who goes there?! You'll be wishing you hadn't snuck out so late when I catch you!"
My stomach drops. Its Filch. I feel like I'm going to vomit.
"(Y/n) come this way. You'll just have to trust me! Come on!" He grabs my wrist and pulls me into the opposite direction.
I can hear him open a door silently and pulls me over. "Get in here!" He pushes me in. It's a broom closet. (I think) But a pretty large one I guess by how much space I feel around me. Enough room to fit a couch into. But it's pretty empty. I wonder why no one uses it...
Fred enters and shuts the door behind us. With that we hear a click and we realize what it meant.
"I'm warning you you mangy brats! When I find you I'm going to rip off your-" Filch walks past the door and into another hallway so we can't hear him anymore.
"That was a close one..." I gasp. He lets out a deep sigh,"yeah it was." We both catch him our breath from all the running and then sit there remembering about the door.
He jiggles the doorknob. But nothing happens.
"Locked." He confirms.
"Well great! What do we do now?!"
" I don't know what do you want to do now..?" He asks slyly.
"Sorry! I was just trying to take your mind off the problem!"
I put my hand to my palm. Trying to evaluate the problem. What to do...oh what to do.
"What if you use a spell to unlock it?"
"Obviously that won't work. This is a teachers closet. They do a lot more than put locks on their doors. They don't want anyone in here, believe me. I know."
I begin to wonder how he knew this but decided it wasn't important at the moment.
"What if we were to break the door down?" He questions.
"Then we would no doubtfully be caught and be in a lot of trouble."
"Oh yeah, true..."
"Yeah so we can't do that..."
"What if we just spend the night?"
I turn away from the door and face him. A bit concerned and worried he suggested that.
"You mean both of us sleep in here? Alone? Together? Small room?"
"Nothing bad will happen unless we allow it to happen!! It's fine. And it's not like we have much of a choice here."
I feel around and touch a shelf behind me. I prop myself on it and lay down.
"Okay. I guess we should make the best of it. But you stay on your side!"
He chuckles at my last comment and replies,"Alright. But you can't blame me if I start to snore."
"Ill always blame you."
He leans over me and I can feel his breath as he whispers into my ear," What about it I kiss you?"
He pulls back and is not standing straight up,
"Hahahaha. You're real dramatic you know that?"
"I guess I that a bad thing?"
"Oh go to sleep!" I say as I playfully smack his face with my hand.
"Oh alright."
I have to say the date didn't end quite as I thought it would. But it was amazing. And to top that I may even get to spend some of the break at the Weasley's!
I honestly don't even know what happening anymore. But I like it.

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