Back To School

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    "Guys is it bad to say that I really wish that I could just drop out of Hogwarts?"  I say with a slight laugh.
  "Haha, no."
"We've been thinking the same for years now."
   I roll my eyes at the two boys across from me,"Yeah but to be honest everyone knows how much you guys hate school."
   "Now is it that obvious?" George questions sarcastically.
   "I'm serious guys. I feel too stressed out about everything that school is just adding to my plate of stress."
   "Now that doesn't sound like any meal Id eat." Fred jokes.
  "Oh my gosh, I don't even see why I talk to you guys" I say smacking my forehead.
  "Because you live us that's why." George declares.
"One of you..." I scoff in return.
   Fred places his hand over his heart in mock pain,"I am wounded! (Y/n) truly wounded."
   "Oh shut up, no you're not."
   George fake pouts and stares out the window.
"So. How's your leg?"
"Hey just a question! Don't get all defensive!"
   He puts up his hands in defensive,"To me it looks like you just wrapped it up like a muggle would do."
   I shake my head,"Well no one in my family would dare try to fix it on their own. So they want me to go to the hospital wing at school to get it fixed."
   Fred nods his head,"Yeah alright. That makes sense."
~time skip~

"The Tri-Wizard what now?" I hear girls and boys ask each other in the halls as they pass us by. We had just been told about the events that would be taking place here this year. But some people still don't seem to understand what is happening.
   "We literally just went over this, why doesn't anyone understand." I groan as (y/f) and I walk down the hall to our dorms.
   "Because they are idiots. Just like everyone else that goes to this school..."
  "You alright? You've been in a bad mood ever since the feast."
  "Well yeah. I just don't understand how we're supposed to have more people come to our school, have this tournament, and do school work and not die of stress!"
   I let out a sympathetic laugh,"You are very dramatic."
  "You know Im right. How are we even going to balance all of this?"
  "You do have a point. But we will be okay. It's not like we're competing."
  With that's we hear two people approach us from behind.
   "Hey ladies."
"Guess who's entering the tournament."
  We turn around to see the twins beaming with excitement.
  "Definitely not you two." I sigh.
"Now why not?"
"I swear I heard then say something about an age restriction." (Y/f) states.
  "I that was probably just a suggestion." Fred said un bothered.
"No. I think it was an actual rule. You can't just enter. You're underage and you could get hurt." I retorted.
"Oh, well it sounds to me like someone is a bit worried about me..." Fred says in a flirting/joking voice.
"Im done with this." I turn the corner and walk down the corridor quickly towards my common room.
"(Y/n) come back! You don't need to be embarrassed! It's cute that you worry!" Fred yells with laughter tied in with his voice.
I roll my eyes and keep walking,"Idiots..." i whisper under my breath.
Once I get to my common room entrance I answer the riddle and procede to enter the stairway.
   They're idiots. Complete idiots. They never listen to anything anyone ever says. They just do what they want. They could get into some serious trouble. But do they even think about that? No. they don't think at all.
   "Hello (y/n), you look troubled. Something wrong?"
  I look up to see Luna sitting in the corner on a chair holding something oddly shaped in her hands.
  "Oh yes- I mean no. Yes I am troubled. But I am fine." I muttered.
  "You are acting as though someone said something to upset you."
  "Well yeah, people are always saying or doing things that tend to drive me off my rocker. But this time Fred and George are planning on doing something that will no doubt either kill them or leave them in a ton of trouble..." I sigh.
   "Well then, let's just hope it's the second one in that case." She lets out a small laugh which causes me to as well.
  "Yeah. Let's hope."
"Fingers crossed."
"Hah, yeah. Fingers crossed."

Fred pov~

   "You know she's going to kill you if you enter right?" (Y/f) insisted," You're practically a dead man."
   I groan and smack my face,"Thank you for that."
  She folds her arms and looks at us like she is somehow responsible for us both.
  "Why is she against it exactly? It's not like she hasn't broken rules before." George asks.
  "You both know why she is against it. She doesn't want either of you two getting hurt. And I don't want that either."
  I shake my head confused,"Then why did she just walk away when I brought that up?"
  "Because you were putting it in a way that would embarrass her. Not to mention you were being idiots and most likely pissed her off."
  I realize she's right and sigh,"You're right. I was being an idiot."
  "See I'm glad you realized it. So now what are you going to do?" She asks.
"Nothing really. I'll just beat around the bush, avoid it and she won't get mad."
  Her face changes from neutral to anger in a split second.
  "Now wait a second you! Girls don't work that way! You just have to not do it and-"
  "Goodbye miss (F/L/N)! We'll see you tomorrow!" I say as we turn and leave towards the Portrait entrance.
  "Have a good night (F/n)!" George adds as we laugh, leaving her behind us.
  "You're screwed!" She yells from behind us then walks in the opposite direction.

Your pov~

(F/n) enters our dorm and flops down onto the corner of her bed.
  "What kept you so long? It's been like fifteen minutes. Or more even..."
  She rolls over and looks at me,"Your boyfriend is an idiot."
  I let out a soft giggle the reply,"Yes, but he's my idiot."

Hey now! Sorry it's been so long! I've been stumped on what to write. But I'll hopefully be quicker. Just, someone please give me some ideas or inspiration. I'm having troubles again...anyways! I love you all!!😅❤️👌🏽

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