The Plan that Failed

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     "I still don't see why you two can't be like two normal human beings and just go and not do something so completely and utterly stupid." I spat at the twins who were speed walking down the corridors towards the great hall.
     "Because What is the fun in that?" Fred asks and winks at me.
    "Uh— not getting in trouble or potentially hurt." I mumble.  Freda and George continued to ignore me.  I'm sure if I weren't here. They would probably be dead by now.
    Fred whips around and looks at me (falling behind). "I know what you're thinking (y/n), and I think we'd be just fine without you."
    My eyes widen in shock,"wait a second! How did you— wait, what did you mean by that?!" Just then Fred turned around and bent over in front of me.
    "You know I didn't mean it like that, you know I love you." And with that he kissed my forehead and ran into the dimly lit room with his brother at his side.
    I smack my forehead as I shortly follow in after them.  People were applauding. I imagine it's because they actually think it's going to work.
    "It's not going to work!" I hear Hermione say and I turn to look at her. She had shut her book and was now saying something to the two.
    They looked skeptical and just laughed it off. Now that's when you know you should stop, is when Hermione says something. But unfortunately with those two, that's not an option.
      Instead then downed the potion in their usual twinning mannerisms. They gave it a second for it to work. Then once they believed it was safe they cheered for themselves and urged the others to as well.
"I can't look." I say, now sitting next to Hermione. She shakes her head. I put my hands to my eyes so to shield myself from whatever might happen next.
Just then it sounded like they must've messed up big time. Because sudden wooshing and popping sounds could be heard echoing about the giant room.
I open my eyes to see the twins thrown back onto the floor by great force. Except there was one small detail different. . .
Their hair had gone chalk white and they had grown long beards with the same color. They looked at each-other before angrily pouncing on one another and wrestling all along the floor.
People around either watched in disturbance or in entertainment. As for Hermione, she just gave a look that said,"you idiots" and went back to her book.
I hide my face from anyone who could see me, why exactly did I think they could pull this off. . ? Anyways I'm glad that they didn't.
I look back over at where the twins were but they're weren't there. One of the professors had probably come and taken them away.
I stand up and brush myself off,"I'll catch you later Hermione. I have to go see what kind of damage my wonderful boyfriend has just caused." I say. She looks up at me and waves.
"Alright. Just make sure they don't do anything more stupid." She said.
"I can't guarantee that." I say solemnly. She just nods with a look of complete understanding on her face.

I went to both Snape and McGonagall's class rooms. And the Twins where still yet to be found. Luckily so was Snape. . .
I see Ginny walking out of a bathroom so I stop her, "Ginny hey wait!" She turns and looks at me.
"Where's your bothers?" I catch my breath as I finally catch up to her. She raises her eyebrows,"Which ones?" She asks.
I laugh,"The only two people guys I talk to." She smiles," Yes I know who you meant, I was joking." I nod.
"They were taken to the Hospital Wing to get that spell undone." I mentally facepalm realizing how stupid I can sometimes be. Wouldn't that just be the obvious conclusion?
     "Oh yes, I guess that does make sense. I'm gonna go there now. Thanks!" I turn away and hurry speedily down the corridor to the Hospital Wing.
    I push open the large door leading inside the infirmary and step inside, closing the door behind me. As soon as I step in I can spot the twins sitting in beds on the far side of the room.
     (Y/f) is sitting on a chair next to George. She looking extremely uncomfortable. Probably due to the fact that she is sitting next to two elderly teenagers.
     "The fact that this is even a reality just proves that you two should just listen to me more often." I say as I sit on a stool next to Fred's bed.
     "Hey it's not our fault it was rigged! It should have worked." Fred tried to convince me.
     "Uhm, actually, it should have worked if you didn't have a brilliant headmaster such as Dumbledore to put a protective charm on it." I point out.
     An identical look appears on their faces as they begin to shout, "Protective?!"
"You call that protection?!"
"We've got beards as white as a day old marshmallow!!"
    I roll my eyes for what feels like the thousandth time today. "Only because you were trying to break the rules!" I whisper shout.
"Not break the rules, love." Fred groans.
"Bend the rules." George finishes. Great, they're back to this again.
    "I don't care what you want to call it. Just—" I can't figure out what I'm trying to say so I stand there giving random hand gestures as if that would help them understand what I'm trying to say.
"Blasphemy?" George suggests.
"Well I was looking for idiocy. But yes I believe that could work too." I say.
    "You have got to admit it was pretty neat."

   "Yes! Up until you two were catapulted across the room and grew two feet of hair on your faces!" I shriek.

   "Yes well, there are ups and downs to everything..." Fred says.

   I roll my eyes and stand up to leave,"You know, I did have something to say to you. But now I don't know what it was."
    I brush off my pants and stand up to leave when Fred stops me.
   "What no kiss goodbye?" He asks with a smirk. I roll my eyes. As if.
   "Once you lose the one hundred year old man look, then we will talk." I stride away smiling at my own stubbornness.
   "You know you want me (y/n)!" Fred yells from across the room. I feel everyone else in the rooms eyes on me.
    My smile fades as a red blush appears on my cheeks. Nope he'll never let me get away with one will he?

   "I honestly think that she hates me!" (Y/f) complained as we walked down the halls towards our house entrance. It was only a few hours before dinner time. We decided it would be best if we'd take a break in our dorm for a bit.
  "She does not hate you." I say while partially paying attention,"You just never pay attention in her class. If you were to actually stay awake maybe she wouldn't get mad."
  "But if she were to speak with more enthusiasm I wouldn't fall asleep!" I let myself sigh at the end of her last comment,"It's always someone else's fault, isn't it?"
She shrugs,"Nah, not really. Just when it is."
"Oh of course. I see." I says sarcastically. We step inside with her laughing obnoxiously for lord knows why to see everyone looking at us like we're crazy.
  "Heyyy guys. What's up?" I ask unaware of what else to say. The majority of them just turn away and go back to what it was they were doing when they see that it was just us.
   Luna skips over and hands us both a crown of flowers.
  "Hello you two." She says with a smile,"these are for you. Say, what ended up happening to the twins?"
  I roll my eyes. Of course everyone would assume I know what happened. I guess it's only fair considering I'm dating one half of them...
   "To be completely frank I think they got what they deserved." I say. She looked at me with her normal cool and collected face and responded with,"You may be one of the only people here who think so."

"Yeah? And why would that be?"

"Because there are a lot of underage students who wish to participate. So anyone who fails to put their name in is just another victim to the 'unfair' rules" Luna says.
I shake my head and let out a deep breath. Unfortunately she was right. No one here ever actually sees the bigger picture do they?
"Don't worry. I'm sure it'll be alright. There's no way anyone out of the age limit will compete. Dumbledore has made sure of that."

Sorry it's taken so long... as I've said on my other stories. I am having family and money issues... but thanks to all my loyal followers for staying with me. And thanks for reading. I'll start on the next chapter as soon as I can. Love you💕💕

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