Part 3

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We shifted in our new home, the east wing of the facility. Tony had designed it in such a way, that it looked exactly like a house. Three big rooms, a kitchen, and a beautiful living room.

"Its so beautiful " I said, as we entered.

"It sure is" Steve said.

We entered our room, it had a beautiful bed in the centre, and a pretty baby cot by its side for James.

"Oops, no bed for you" I told Steve.

"That's a pretty large bed, I guess we both can fit there" he said near my ear.

I looked at him with curved lips.

Sam and Wanda entered the house.

"Wow, this is so pretty" Wanda said.

"I wanna get married and have my own house now" Sam said, "Anyways, you both have to work a lot so, we have come to take James, we'll take care of him"

"Thank you" I said, as Sam took him from my arms, "All his things are in this bag, and he just fed but bring him back after two hours for the feed" I handed the bag to him.

"Okay, take care" he said and they left.

Steve put the bags on the table and started unpacking, he took his shirt off, and was in his vest.

Good idea, even with the air-conditioning system on, it was pretty hot. I took off my shirt too, and locked the door.

"Woah!! " Steve said as his eyes fell on me.

"What? " I asked.

"We are supposed to set our stuff in" he said.

"Yeah, I know" I said, raising my eyebrows, "So? "

"Nat!! You.. you shouldn't seduce me right now" he said.

"What? Uh! " I realized what he meant, jerk!!, "I am your wife Mister! You have seen enough of all this, I thought you were past that phase" I said, taking my shirt, "its too hot, and its not fair with me that you get to stay in your vest and I can't " I said, I was about to put my shirt back on, but he held my hands and took it away.

"I.. was joking.. its okay " he said, and threw the shirt on the bed.

I jerked his hand away, and went back to work.

We went on working, and were soon done. It wasn't too much, everything was pretty much already set.

I sat down on the couch, and looked at Steve, he was sweating a lot, the sun ray's falling on his skin made it glisten. So hot!!!  I licked my lips, and bit it, looking away. But I couldn't, and kept glancing, until my gaze was fixed on him. He is so handsome, so perfect, and he is my husband.

Screw it Natasha, go for it. My stupid heart yell at me. And I like an idiot, listened to it.

I got up, took the towel, and started to gently wipe the sweat off his back. He turned, surprised, I looked at him, I was seduced myself, but my gaze was definitely seductive for him, as he opened his mouth. I looked away, and wiped the sweat off his curves, and his perfect abs, slowly, but when my hand reached his chest, he caught it.

I looked at him, he was staring at me, his desires as wild as mine. Dropping the towel, I went for his lips, he quickly took my waist, and started kissing me back.

We were soon on the bed, and I towered him, kissing his jaw, his neck, his chest, my hands tracing his abs.

He pulled me down, towering me, and looked at me in the eyes.

"You know what effect you have on me right? " he asked.

I nodded, panting for air now, as he descended on me to kiss my neck, I was ready, I wanted this so bad. I closed my eyes, to get lost.

But... he kissed my neck gently, and moved away, I opened my eyes, and looked at him.

"Sorry, but... this marriage is only for James and... he cannot have siblings till you are nursing him so.. " he said as a matter of fact, and entered the bath.

I face palmed, as I had just made a fool of myself. Maria is right, why am I doing this? But I have an ego, an ego that would get hurt if I submit to him. Sorry mister, I value my ego so much.

Annoyed and ashamed, I put on my shirt, and stormed out.

"You guys done already? " Sam teased.

"Yes, it wasn't much, give me my son, I want him" I said, still annoyed.

"Here" Wanda handed James over to me.

That was it, just a look at him, just a smile from him, one little touch, and I was calmed.

"Aww, my angel, come, you must be hungry" I said, taking him in.

I lay him on my lap, and tried feeding him but he was full, he didn't drink much, he was in the mood to play, so I let him.

"Do you know what a huge jerk your daddy is? " I said stroking his cheek, he laughed, "He is always teasing me, he is very bad husband, I hate him and I love you, and only you" I said.

James made a sad face, "oh no! Okay, I don't hate your dad, you know that James" I said, but he was still sad.

Oh God! What happened to my baby?

"James, what happened? I am sorry, please, please smile again baby" I pleaded, he hid his face digging in my belly, and cooed.

What do I do now? Steve exit the bath, rubbing his hair with the towel.

"Steve! Steve please come here" I said, and he got worried too, rushing to me.

"What happened Nat? " he asked, "Is he okay? "

"I don't know, he was laughing and then suddenly he became sad, I don't know what to do" I said.

"Nat! Stop freaking out, he is just a child, give him to me" he took James from me, my heart sank, he looked at James, and then hugged him, James lay his head on his shoulder.

"Maybe he has a tummy ache, or something else, he can't tell me, oh Steve, what do we do? " I panicked.

"Nat! He isn't crying is he? He is not said, he is fine, trust me" Steve said, "Come here" he opened his arm for me, I quickly entered his embrace, he wrapped his arm around me, James looked at me, and I held his tiny fist, finally, he smiled.

"He is smiling, Steve, he is fine" I relaxed.

"Of course he is" Steve said, and kissed my forehead, "don't panic on small things Nat, he is fine and healthy, and he loves you a lot".

"I know, I know he does" I said.

We lay down, together, and James and I fell asleep, on Steve's chest, holding hands.

Nat is crazy, and so stubborn, admit it girl, you love James's daddy. Even James is annoyed with her craziness 😂.How was the chapter? Do give your reviews.

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