Buisness Dinner

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"Ahh Miss Jackson there you are. I was beginning to think I'd have to send someone else out for my coffee." Luke said with a smirk as he walked towards his office door.

"I'm sorry sir. There was a lot of traffic and then the coffee shop downstairs had a very long line." I replied while looking at the floor handing him his cup.

"Just don't let it happen again." Luke replied taking the cup from my hand and walking back into his office.

I hate that I have to look at the floor when talking to him but god that smirk. I can't think straight when he smirks. Like you can't help but him hovering over you looking down on you with that smirk his hands roaming. Stop it Hannah stop it. You should not be having these thoughts about your boss ever let alone when he's in the next room.

Shaking the thoughts out of my mind I sat down at my desk and began to work.

"Hannah!" Luke called from his office.

"Coming." I replied standing up from my chair straightening my skirt. "Yes sir?" I asked as I walked into his office.

"Close the door behind you." Like replied not looking up from his desk.

"Yes sir." I replied closing the door and then walking over sitting in the chair in front of his desk.

"Is everything ok Hannah?" Luke said setting all of his stuff to the side and laying his hands on his desk looking at me.

"Yeah why?" I replied suddenly a little nervous.

"You've just seemed very off lately and you've been coming in late. Would you like to tell me what's going on?." His voice was soft and sweet. Almost like he actually cared.

Oh you know just every night I fall asleep and have a dream about you and I can't look at you sometimes during the day especially when you bite your lip because it makes me go into thought about all the different things we could do.

"No everything's ok. Just some problems sleeping plus traffic in the mornings, but besides that everything's just fine." I replied giving him a reassuring smile.

"Ok. Try your best not to be late ok? I can only let you be late so many times before I have to fire you." Luke replied.

"Yes sir I understand,"  I replied looking at the floor.

" I really don't want to fire you Hannah you are really good at what you do." Like replied giving me one of his side smiles.

"Thank you sir." I replied looking up at him smiling.

"Of course." He smiled. "Can you set up  a lunch for me later today? I have to meet with some people for business and if possible I'd like for you to come along." I was taken by surprise on his words. He did usually take me along on business meetings. If they were here at the office than I would sit in, but he never took me with him.

"Yes sir of course." My heart was beating faster. I know it was just a business lunch but he still wanted me to go with him. 

"Ok I'll send you the information on it ok?" He replied looking back over to his computer.

"Yes sir." I smiled and stood up heading back out to my desk. Luke Hemmings wanted me to go with him to a business dinner. Why does this excite me so much?  As the day went on I filled out papers, wrote emails and answered calls for Luke. The entire time I just couldn't not be excited about  the business dinner.

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