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*At Home*

"So let me get this straight he's sending you an outfit for this dinner and you have no idea what it is? And he didn't ask you what size you wear?" Jessi asked as she did my hair.

"No idea and no he didn't ask me. I'm afraid it will be to small or way to big." I whined looking back at her in the mirror.

"You know it's weird you being excited for a business dinner right?" Jessi laughed looking at me in the mirror.

"I know but I get two hours alone with Luke. It will take us an hour to get there and an hour to get home. So two hours alone with him is so worth it." I but my lip while looking down. I knew it was wrong to have this much of a crush on my boss I just couldn't help it.

Jessi was about to say something when the doorbell rang. Slowly I got up and went to the door and there was a woman standing with a bag that you hang dresses in and a pair of shoes.

"You're Miss Hannah Jackson?" The lady asked.

"Yes ma'am I am." I replied smiling. Not saying another word the woman handed me the bag and shoes and left:

"Well she's charming." Jessi said standing behind me.

"Completely." I laughed walking in and opening up the bag. "Oh my god!"

"What?!?!" Jessi asked walking over and looking at the dress. "that is not what I expected."

"Neither did I." I said laughing lightly.

"Well go out it on and let's see how it looks." Jessi said ushering me towards the bedroom.

I put the dress on and had Jessi zip me up and it fit absolutely perfectly. The only problem was it was really short. Don't Get me wrong I love short close, but for a business meeting?

"A business meeting huh?" Jessi said finally breaking the silence while looking me up and down.

After I headed downstairs and Luke texted me saying he was late I decided to start walking catch up with him. I told him traffic is bad through here. It's because they are trying to fix the bridge before collapses. They're to cheep to replace it so instead they are working 6 months just to fix something that will have to be replaced with in the next four years.

The further I walked the more my feet started to hurt. I was beginning to believe all of this was some sort of punishment for having dreams about my boss. I kept walking taking my heels  off trying to make it a tad but easier on my feet.

I kept walking trying to think of a good reason I was actually doing this. I mean Luke doesn't like me back and he's my boss so even if he did I could never date  him. Yet still I had the urge to go and nothing was going to stop me. As I walked further down the street I started to become very uncomfortable with all that catcalls I was getting. I was alone walking through a more dangerous part of town. It seemed every set of steps had a group of guys sitting or standing on them.

I've walked through this part of town before the only difference between them and now was I was never alone and I wasn't wearing this short of a dress. I kept my eyes ahead and just kept walking trying my best to ignore each "hey sexy", "why don't you come over here little lady" and last but not least "I can show you a good time" that was thrown at me.

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