Hidden Factors

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Siegfried's POV

I wake up with a jolt, gasping. Bad dream. I sigh with relief at being awake. I sit up and get out of bed, stretching. I open my wardrobe, grabbing some cargo pants and a tank top. I slide on my trenchcoat and walk to the armory. I flick the light on, lighting up the racks of various weapons. "Let's see..." I say, walking between the rows. I settle on a .44 Magnum Colt Anaconda.

I tuck it into my shoulder holster, now going to the melee section

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I tuck it into my shoulder holster, now going to the melee section. This wall is lined with various blades and blunt weapons. I take a 24-inch solid steel baton, putting it in a loop on the inside of the trenchcoat. I walk outside and lock both doors, heading down to my car, a matte black four-door Jeep. I hop in and call Nolan. "Allo?" "Hey man, you up for checking out another location?" I ask. "Yeah, I'm down. Where to?" He asks. "Let's see..." I say, reaching over to the laptop on the passenger seat.

Nolan's POV

"How about the Dreyse Mine?" Sig says. "Never heard of it." I reply. "Iron mine, abandoned in the 1920s for unknown reasons, and uh, that's about all they have on it." He says. "Sounds interesting enough. Let's head over there in about an hour?" I say, pulling on my sneakers. "Sounds good, see ya there." He replies. I hang up, grab my jacket and put my Webley in its usual pocket. I walk out onto my balcony, taking in the cool breeze.

Fenix's POV

I finish a bowl of cereal, seeing my watch light up. I examine the display, seeing it's a call from Siegfried. I answer it, "What's up?" I say. "We've got a new location. Ever heard of the Dreyse Mine?" He asks. I had heard of it, he had no idea. "Nope. What is it?" I ask. "Abandoned 1920's Iron mine, few other details, I'm kinda curious." He says. "I don't know, I really don't like being underground." I say. "Oh come on, it's not that bad." He says. I sigh. "Fine, I'll go." I say. "Cool, we leave in an hour." He says, hanging up. I push a hidden button on my watch, making a call. "We've got a problem."

Siegfried's POV

I drive to The Citadel, a luxurious villa where I was frequently employed. I park and approach the entrance. The guards on either side of the door look at me expectantly. "Nightingale." I say. Their expressions change, I see one of them start sweating. They quickly open the double doors and I enter, being greeted by the man behind the front desk. "Mr. Helsing, welcome." He says, his voice trembling just slightly. "I'm here to throw darts." I reply. "Of course. You know where the board is." He replies, motioning to the left. I start down the hall. "Oh, and Mr. Helsing, are you working?" He asks. "Not yet." I reply. He sets a dossier on the counter. "Are you sure?" He says, smiling. "How much?" I ask, returning to the desk. "Eleven." "Eleven?" I ask. "Eleven." He replies. "I'm working." I say with a small laugh, grabbing the dossier. "Good day." He replies. I walk down the wall, taking a left and heading down the stairs. I now stand in a massive gun range. "The dartboard." I say, pulling my Anaconda. After about 40 minutes of target practice, I leave, heading to my car. During my drive to the mine, I read the dossier. "Erdrich Mannstein, corrupt banker, needs to look accidental. Easy!" I say. "But, eleven? For this guy? Hmm." I say, shrugging. "Can't say no to that."

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