Chapter One

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Chapter One

I was sitting on my couch when It happened. The door bell rang, so I went to answer it and my father was at the door.

Him standing there in front of me seemed like a dream. His face was so familiar yet it belonged to a stranger. His deep hazel eyes staring at me as if he had known everything about me, like a normal father who stayed in your life and took care of you. His bright smile directed towards me as if he was happy to see his not so little girl again. His hair was sloppy like all he did was run his hand through it and walked out the door. His clothes were clean but looked as if he threw on the first thing in his closet.

As I refocused on his eyes I asked What the hell are you doing? Why the hell are you here? Why did you finally come back after twelve years? Just why?

Well, I thought you'd be happy to see your old man again. he chuckled. Well obviously I'm not. Now answer me why did you come back?

I came back to see how big my beautiful little girl got and to see what she turned out to be, but I can see I'm not welcome. Just let me apologize for what I did to you and your mother. he said as if he was actually wanting to apologize. Fine. I state not believing him completely, but let him in to sit and talk.Thank you, When you were born I was only 19 and I was so scared I didn't know if I could handle being a father so I told your mom that I had to go to my grandmas funeral in Ohio, so she let me go and I went but I didn't come back because I met this beautiful girl that I fell in love with to we dated for years and I finally asked her to marry me so we married. Two years later we had a little boy named Dylan, as he grew he made me so happy and I wanted him to know he had a sister. That's when I realized that I had to see you and tell you exactly what had happened and why I had left also how my life had turned out even though I'm quite happy I would love to have you in my life for good. He said on the break of tears. I'm so sorry Alex.

Wow, you remembered my name. I'm glad your life turned out so well, while mine was shitty without a father and a drunk of a mother. When you left she became depressed and started drinking, so I've had to cook and clean and take care of us because shes not stable enough. So go along with your life and leave me and my mother alone. Just like you did before. I choked out trying to be strong while fighting tears.

You had your chance to be a good father and you left! You just fucking left! I don't care that you we scared to be a dad you should have used a fucking condom if you didn't want a fucking kid! Sorry my existence scared you so much you left mom to raise a fucking kid at 18! You know when I was four and mom told me that you'd be back from a really long trip, I was so happy and I counted the days and eventually those days became months, and those months became years then when I was ten I finally got the damn picture, that you were never coming back, and that you were somewhere else doing God knows what so I didn't care, and that's when mom got really bad and I had to start taking care of her instead of her taking care of me like other family's work and this is also when I started failing school because I couldn't focus on what I was doing instead I was focused on how mom was and what she was doing and why the hell you left! So if you want a second chance you better earn it! I yelled while pushing him out the door and slamming it in his face.

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