Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

As my daughter pushed me out of the door I started crying. I cant believe what an impact me leaving had made.

I mean I know she would be angry but I didn't think that it would be that bad. Wow, I'm a piece of shit... I whisper to myself.

As I get into my truck I look back to the small house my beautiful baby grew up In without me, I see her face in the window she has tears running down her cheeks with mascara trails and her face is red from yelling at me and from rage. Her mouth open probably whispering under her breath to herself.

I should have stayed and took care of her like a real dad. I should have raised her with her mother. I shouldn't have lied to Marissa.

I moved back, just a few miles from Marissa and Alex. Dylan, Erin and I live in a three bedroom two bath house. The house it green with a white door.

When I got in side Erin asked me How did it go baby? It was horrible. She was so mad and she was crying and yelling then she kicked me out. I choke out as I begin to cry. Awe baby, I'm sorry. Maybe shell come around. Erin apologized trying to lighten my mood. Its not your fault, its mine I should have never left. If I would have stayed then I wouldn't have met you so either way it would be a lose lose

situation... Erin hugged me and mumbled an I know and I'm sorry in my ear and went to make dinner. Dylan will be home soon so please don't tell him anything about what I told you please. I ask Erin. I won't she promised.

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