Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Daddy! Stop It! I laugh as my dad tickles me. Its my sixth birthday and all my friends and family are at my house with the grill going and soda everywhere.

A big pink cake on the table said 'Happy 6th Birthday Alex!'. AHHH! I screamed because daddy picked me up above his shoulders. What baby girl did I scare you? my daddy chuckled. Yes!

TIME TO SING HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALEX! mommy yelled from the table.

Everyone gathered around the table and started to sing. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Alex, happy birthday to you!

Then suddenly I wake up. I start crying because my real sixth birthday was horrible. Mom forgot about it so nobody was there and she was at the bar drinking or doing God knows what with God knows who. So I was stuck at home by myself till the next morning at 10am when she came through the door stumbling and then falling face first on the couch and falling asleep.

I wonder if that's what it would have been like if he had stayed... I whisper under my breath. Mom looked happy and she was so beautiful sober and with a smile on her face, a real genuine smile.

Dad looked just like he did when he was at my door step, smiling and bright eyed. I wonder if I should actually give him a second chance.

No. He left me. He left mom. He left her and I all alone. He's why mom is the way she is. I'm suppose to hate him for what he did to us. No, no second chances for him. At least until till he earns it.

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