Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

When the forth hour bell rang I made my way to lunch. Alex! my friend Alena yelled I'm waiting! I yelled back standing in the middle of the hallway because people know not to mess with me. To say the least I have a reputation. Do you know whats for lunch today? I asked for no reason because I rarely eat lunch. I don't know I think pizza but don't count on it. Hahah.

When lunch ended Alena and I walked to our fifth hour Algebra. Okay everybody take a seat! We have a lot to do today. We have to take a mini quiz and then notes after. How many questions is the quiz. some kid named Cody asked. Eight. UGH. everybody groaned.

Eighth hour ended the bell rang and Stupid teenagers were everywhere, walking to buses, making out or going to lockers. God I hate this school. Alena said as she approached me from her locker. Me too, but I also hate everything so ya know. Hahah. Well besides you and mom. OH! Did I tell you that mom stopped drinking and had a job interview today? NO! That's amazing! I'm so proud of her! I have to come over today to celebrate with you guys and maybe I can even stay the whole weekend! Alena yelled excitedly. Maybe I said just as excited.

Later that night Alena's mom dropped her off at my house and went up to my room to put her stuff up. Hey mom can we go out to eat tonight its on me an Alena. We want to celebrate you getting a job interview and how you stopped drinking. Please mom? Oh yeah how did the interview go? I asked pleading. Yeah I don't see why not. And the interview went grate I start Monday. mom said happily. Yea! Alena and I yelled. get in the car we'll go to Bandannas BBQ. That place is amazing. mom said like her mouth was already watering as if she could taste it now.

Thank you girls for helping me pay. Also for making me so happy all the time, also I'm sorry I haven't been such a good person the past twelve years. mom sighed apologetically. No problem mama two, its not your fault, you were upset and didn't know how to cope. At least your trying, right? Alena replied happily. Yeah. I agreed. Thanks girls, I love you. love you too mama we said in unison.

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