Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Good morning mom,tell me how your first day at work goes I'll see you later I love you!I yell as I head out the door for the bus. I will, love you too! she yelled back.

School. Living hell. Eight hours of torture. Two more years. I whisper to myself as I walk in the doors. I have first hour Wood shop, we're working on a Hat rack, mine has a Little Fox on it. Before we started the hat rack we did our names or the name of something we liked. I'm alone in that class.

I only have four classes with my friends. Second hour History With Jade, Fifth hour Math with Alena, sixth hour Gym with Jade and Kiana, and eighth hour Art with all of them.

Second hour History is my least favorite class because the teacher hates me and I don't even know what I did to her. Third hour Science sucks too cause the teacher is rude. Fourth hour English sucks too cause the teacher has no idea what the hell she's doing. Fifth hour Math isn't bad Mrs.New actually likes and respects me and shes my favorite teacher. Sixth hour Gym it okay I don't like running but other than that its okay. Seventh hour Strength is fun I like doing weighted squats. Eight hour Art is my favorite, all my friends are with me and I love art in general.

I got off the buss and walked down my driveway. I saw an unfamiliar truck. Wonder who that is.I wonder aloud.

As I walk into the house I see a man sitting on the couch talking to mom and mom had puffy red cheeks like she had been crying. As I got closer I noticed it was dad. I stopped In my tracks.

Hey beautiful. dad said. have you decided yet.he asked. No. you haven't earned it yet. I said coldly. How about I take you out to eat?he asked with a pleading voice. Sure. I spit as I walked to my room to change for dinner with dad.

When we got to Golden Coral we sat down at our table and talked about random topics till he asked Do you hate me?stunned by his question I didn't say a thing for a long moment. A tear slid down my face as I replied. No, I just don't like what you did to mom and I. okay good, I was worried. I'm sorry I left. he said I know, but if I give you a second chance you have to promise that you will never leave me again. I promise.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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