Chapter Three

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Chapter three

I can't believe him. How can I trust when he left before I was even three years old. How am I suppose to believe him?

I go to the bathroom, close and lock the door look in the mirror and see my face. My bright electric blue eyes all red and swollen as if I had just got stoned off my ass. My cheeks stained with a black trail of mascara. I lick my lips and taste the wet salty tears and watermelon chap stick that had stained my lips.

I grab a hand towel and run it under warm water and clean my tear and mascara stained face. When I'm done cleaning my face I run a scalding hot bath and get in.

As I sink into the tub I think about everything my father had said and everything I had yelled. I stay in the tub till the water is cold.

I get out of the tub, dry off and dress, then I head to the kitchen and start dinner for mom and I.

I'm home baby girl! my mom yells obviously intoxicated. Hey mom, how was your day?I ask unamused. My day was amazing! I danced all day long! she laughed.

I giggled. Good mom. Glad you had fun. Dinners done, I already ate, I'm going to go to sleep see you tomorrow. I say as I head to my room. Oh, mom I have to talk to you tomorrow! Its important!

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