Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

When I wake up the second time this morning I head down to the kitchen to start breakfast, but to my surprise I find mom making it already.

morning baby. she said with her beautiful smile. Morning mom, what are you doing I normally make breakfast? I ask insanely confused. Well I've been thinking a lot lately, well at least when I'm sober... she trails off. anyway, I've been thinking that I need to quit this drinking everyday and night then coming home drunk bullshit and be a real mother. I'm sorry I was never the best mom actually not a mother at all but I'm sorry. I'm going to try my best to stop. I promise.O-oh okay, um that's great mom. I hope it works and its okay you had your reasons. I've grown up fine, I think. Ha ha. Any way I need to tell you something important... I trail off as I grab a plate of food and sit at the table and mom joins me. says with a hint of worry.

Okay, um so somebody came over yesterday afternoon. That somebody happened to be dad. I spit out WHAT! mom screeches spitting food everywhere. Yeah. He stopped by to say that he wanted me back in his life and that he has a wife and a son named Dylan. He also told me why he left. I mean I didn't believe it completely so I yelled at him and kicked him out... I said lowly. Oh, what did he say? He said he left because he was scared of being a dad so he lied about the funeral and stayed there. Oh okay she said as a single tear ran down her face. I'm sorry mom. It's okay baby its not your fault. she whispered.

We both finished breakfast and mom left for a job interview, and I head to school.

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