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They never tell you in health class
That once you become a women
They rip your heart out
And put in a clock instead

Sixty seconds a minute
Sixty minutes an hour
Until your worth runs out
With your youth

They never tell you
What it feels like
Not being able to get on the subway
Without some guy
Checking out your ass
Even though the government says your to young to buy alcohol

They never tell you that out there
The word "sensitive" is an insult out there

They never tell you that by the time you find a boy to love
Taking off your clothes will be like
Taking off bandages
Like peeling off sunburst skin

That some days you'll feel
Like a broken vase
Everyone keeps trying
To stick flowers in

You are not beautiful or ugly
Unless someone tells you so

But when you want to tell the guy on the bus
To go fuck himself
Because he won't leave you alone
You'll bite your tongue instead
And swallow your words
Collecting them underneath the ribcage
A hornet's nest buzzing below your heart
Reminding it not to feel too much or beat too hard

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