Writing sad things

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"Why do you write sad things"
Is one of the hardest questions
I've always been asked

How could I answer that?
How could I tell you that all I have is sadness
And all I can share to the world is sadness?

How could I tell you
That every time I get a little glimpse
Of happiness I just always save myself

Keeping it close to my heart
Memorizing every details and feelings
And not writing it down

Because writing it down
Feels a lot like giving it away
Like I am letting that little happiness go

How could I tell you
That I write sad things
To purge it out from my system?

That it is impossible to write
Sad things without sadness consuming you
To the core

To the point that all you
Can do is to bleed it out on the paper
How could I tell you that?

That I write sad things to let it out
Hoping that one day it would never come back
That maybe one day, I will finally succeed in writing all my sadness away

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