Male!Maleficent/Reader - Be Careful What You Wish For 1/2

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(This one-shot has nothing to do with the live-action movie Maleficent since I have not seen the movie yet. This will only be the original Disney movie based. Thank you for reading.)


You lived the mundane average life out in the forests on the outskirts of the kingdom, nothing really ever changed. Every day was a mirror reflection of the day before. You had dreams of one day something drastically changing in your unexciting life, something full of adventure and the unknown. Of course, you knew that was only hopeful wishing, you were stuck forever alone in your modest little cottage.

Sighing to yourself in boredom, you were inside your home sweeping the floors with your wooden broom. The floors hardly needed to be cleaned but you certainly didn't have anything better to do. You had no friends except for a crow that sometimes came by and sat on your window seal. You would always feed him and he seemed to like you, he always came back every so often. You knew it was the same crow because it seemed rather intelligent and always came to the same spot every time. "Just another uninteresting day." You sighed again and kept sweeping the very same spot absent-mindedly as you imagined fantasies that you wished to live out in your mind. To be a beautiful princess, or a courageous heroine, maybe even an adventurous wanderer that explored foreign lands! Anything had to be better then the life you were currently living.

Your shining (e/c) eyes lowered to the floor as you frowned with a heavy heart to burden you with. Today would be no different than yesterday or tomorrow. You just needed to suck it up and keep going, maybe one day things could change but today wasn't that day. Continuing to frown, you place your broom to the side and went to go do laundry, that was until a certain crow landed on your window seal again. It cawed over for you like it typically did. You turn your head when you hear the sound to the window seal and smile at the visitation of your black bird friend. "Oh, you came! How long has it been? I was beginning to think you weren't going to come back." You say to the crow with a smile tugging on your pink lips. Pulling out the special crackers you fed the crow from a cabinet, you stroll over to the bird that was staring at you and waiting. "How was your day, Mr. Crow? Hopefully, more eventful than my own." You say to the crow who only stares at you as if he were listening. "You're probably here for you routine treat, right?" Bringing up a special cracker treat, you hand over the cracker to the crow. The crow looks excited as it nabs the cracker out of your hand with its beak and begins to nibble on it. You smile and watch the crow eat while you have your arm rested on the window seal and your chin being held up by your hand. You reach out towards the crow, whose eyes looked up at you as you went to pet him. You never petted him before because you were always afraid he'd bite you but today you felt adventurous, and what better way to start living with thrills with something as simple as this.

The crow eyed you as you very carefully placed your hand onto his back's black feathers. They felt soft and smooth, he was very well groomed for a wild crow. He made no notion to bite you but he kept watching you intently as you began running your hand through his sleek feathers. "I think we've up to a new level of friendship right now, haven't we?" You tell the crow with a light chuckle. The crow makes another cawing noise and lets you pet him for awhile until you finally brought your hand away. "You're a very handsome crow. Thank you for letting me pet you." You thank the crow with a small curtsy and giggle. The crow caws and suddenly turns his head behind him as if he heard something. You were so busy being giddy over the fact you finally pet your bird friend, you didn't notice what the crow was looking at.

The crow cawed in aggravation and suddenly flew off the window seal. You look back over to where the crow was and make a dubious expression. He left rather early, usually he stays around a bit longer than that. "Huh? Well, goodbye then." You murmur and feel a bit lonely now that he flew off. "Guess, he has better things to do then stay here. I don't rather blame him." You say to yourself but were taken out of your thoughts when you heard the loudest banging at your door. Quickly shoot your eyes over to your door, you begin to feel afraid as the banging was so hard on the door it could break it down. "W-what is going on!?" You gasp and begin to look around for anything that could be used as a weapon. Seeing your kitchen knife, you run over and grab it into your hand and prepare yourself for whatever was trying to break into your home. "I have a weapon on me! Y-You better back off whoever you are!" You yell to try and scare away whoever was outside. The loud banging still commenced though until the door couldn't keep hold and finally it bust and flung open.

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