Guardian (Male!MaleficentXFaun!Reader) 1/3

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~Author's Note: So this is very belated cause I got major writer's block halfway through that postponed this for weeks. So tada!! Note that this is the LIVE ACTION version, not animated~

~**IMPORTANT**: I am using J Scott Campbell's "Fawn Girl" as a reference. Please go look it up before reading. Thank you!!~

The moss-covered earth crunches beneath your steps as you move through the enchanted forest, faeries and sprites festooned with fantastic, sparkling feathers and wings flying overhead and singing the day's beauty. They flit around your twisting antlers and ankles as they gracefully leap flower to flower, sometimes gliding down your neck and back to use your upturned tail as a slide, which causes for it to twitch.

You're not bothered by their merrymaking, nonetheless. You rather enjoy the company during your wandering; only it isn't wandering. As aimless as your route appears even to you, you're following an unseen force that's drawing you deeper into the forest, and it seems as though you're the only one affected by it for the frolicking creatures show no signs of even noticing it.

This force, this's calling out to you, though you have a feeling it's unintentional. Perhaps it's due to your hybrid of human intuition and animal instincts that you sense it. You consider that you're the only one who can anymore. There aren't any of your kind left-faun, that is. All have become part of the earth or killed for sport by kings and the gentry as a rare, invaluable possession. Now you're left alone and unarmed, as it's not in your nature to do harm to another creature.

You gently shake your head at the reminder, long ears flopping from the gesture. But then you pause. What if what you're feeling is another faun? It would explain why you and no one else can sense it.

Perhaps I'm not alone! you think and press forward with more purpose.

The faeries and sprites are caught off guard as you settle into a graceful gallop and fly around you, leaving glistening trails of dust behind them in beautiful patterns. You leap lithely over a fallen tree without missing a beat and soon the light of a small clearing on a ledge comes into view.

Whatever is pulling you is there; you can feel it.

As you near the presence, something makes you stop short of the forest edge, something you reprimand yourself for not looking into before: you can't smell the unmistakable scent of another faun; you only smell faeries-although the scent is now overwhelming. You look to your companions only to realize they're no longer with you, but nervously lingering a matter of feet behind.

"What is it-?" You're cut off by a deep, resounding sigh from the clearing. Your ears stand alert. When no further sound comes, you silently crawl forward to the bush line and see a massive, low swooping tree adorned with white and yellow flowers. But it isn't the tree that catches your attention, it's the figure lying in the cradling crown.

They don't seem to have noticed you yet, so you advance with stealth till you can make out their crossed ankles in rugged, black boots, pants, and arms that appear overlapped above a draping, sleeved cloak. Bundles of flowers prevent you from seeing their face, however. You try to move closer once more.

"It's rude to spy on a slumbering creature, girl" the figure speaks; it's a man. His voice is deep, very, very deep like an ancient forest god. A sudden gust of wind sways the smaller branches just enough to allow you a glimpse of his face, and you baulk realizing he's staring at you from the corner of his eye with piercing, brilliant jade.

The wind dies down in a flurry of snow petals. "Forgive me," you say. "I was lured here by your presence."

The man makes no indication of having cared for your comment either way and emits a more aggravated sigh. "And here I thought I would be permitted a moment's solitude," he mutters. You open your mouth to apologize just as he shifts to sit up and the two of you meet face to face through a break in the florae.

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