Guardian (Male!MaleficentXFaun!Reader) 2/3

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~Author's Note: * I am using J Scott Campbell's "Fawn Girl" as a reference. Please go look it up before reading*~

Soft emerald rays of filtered sunlight shine down upon you as you move through the forest much like you did all those seasons ago, with faeries flying playfully around your antlers and ankles and Nature herself in perfect harmony. However, this time you're not alone.

Your guardian is with you, as he always is and has vowed to forever be.

Maleficent follows you silently with perpetual patience and grace, and yet one would not consider him a guardian at first glance, his large, twisting, spectral horns, raven hair, and trailing cloak implying anything but. Regardless, you fell in love with this olive-clad male at first sight. Ever since then, he's accompanied you on a daily basis along your duties as protector and healer of Nature's creatures without the slightest protest. He watches, dotingly, as you spend hours of your day going wherever your otherworldly senses guide you to tend to those in need or mend what's broken. You remind him of himself as a child, so carefree and selfless...happy. But a darkness has begun to spread within his heart from the loss of his wings that you alone can keep at bay. Your very presence eases the torment that rages inside to the point that he's able to smile once again, though it's always minute.

You snap your attention back to him when you hear his steady footsteps falter alongside a muted grunt despite the wooden staff he wields. He meets your worried gaze and returns to his stalwart posture with innate composure. The wounds born from the crude removal of his wings have yet to heal completely mostly due to his tissue and bones adapting. Omnipotent as he is, a part of him is still mortal. It's why you urge him to remain in the tree within the meadow to rest, to regain his strength, but every time he vehemently yet gently refuses and reminds you of his vow to protect you.

A bird flies overhead with a beautiful song and draws Maleficent jade eyes up with it. You feel his heart waver. "Maleficent?" you call and approach him.

He looks down at your significantly shorter figure. "I'm alright," he says softly, brushing his knuckles along your cheek-it didn't take him long to accept that lying isn't necessarily an option, for you can sense every thought and emotion that comes over him. You cup his angular face to calm him as you always do, as is your new purpose in life that you devote yourself to wholeheartedly. Maleficent inhales deeply with a resounding sigh, gripping then pressing into your warm palm just so his lips brush the fur, and, though his physical contact with you is limited, it's little things like this that send your heart fluttering and nerves racing.

The faerie catches your heartfelt gaze and returns it with one just as gentle. "It is becoming late in the day," he says as he admires the amber glimmers beginning to reflect off your (h/c) hair and fur. "We should be retiring."

You nod and follow after his long, elegant strides, though he still holds onto your hand. Soon the two of you return to the tree, your home with Maleficent. He had twisted its swooping figure so one would not have to climb but merely step along its branches like stairs to the cradling crown that he filled with florae and cloth made from spun silk. It was done for your comfort more so than his.

He guides you by the hand onto the first branch, which you climb, but then you pause and turn to face him. His pointed ears rise in alert. "I want you to stay here tomorrow," you say.

Maleficent exhales softly and nudges you into the tree by the hip. "We've been through this, my dearest one," his voice speaks, doting yet serious.

"I'm aware of this, but I don't want you to spend yet another day trailing after me." You place your dainty fingers beneath his strong chin and lift it.

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