Male!Maleficent/Reader -Be Careful What You Wish For 2/2

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(IMPORTANT! Only read this if you are 18 or older as this story contains a lemon in it! So naughty little children this story is not for you! I know your sneaky ways! Shoo! D:<)

(One more thing! This has my first lemon I've ever written so please be easy on me. I've never actually written a lemon before so I'm quite nervous of the quality of it. I hope I didn't totally mess it up and make it all icky!)


"YOU IMBECILES! First you give me a girl that is not the princess! And now you return me with empty hands once more!?" Maleficent shouted viciously while deeply glaring his grotesque goons who were all shuddering under their Master's intense gaze. "Do you know what day is it!? DO YOU? In case your misinformed it is the day before Aurora's sixteenth birthday! And you idiots have still not found her!? GET OUT MY SIGHT!" Maleficent yelled and with his staff in hand he slammed the bottom of it down onto the ground. Glowing green the staff threw off black lightning bolts that began to rain down upon Maleficent's goons who screamed and tried running away from his wrath. "One of you incompetent fools bring me (Y/n)! NOW!"

Some of the goons were struck down dead while others were capable of making to the throne room's large double doors where they were trying to escape through. Maleficent was left seething in outrage as the rest of his goons got away while some of them were left in blackened smoking dead heaps on the ground. Beginning to pace, Maleficent kept a nasty scowl on his face as he waited for you to arrive. You would be the only source to take out the rest of his rage on, you might be able to calm him down but that was unlikely in his mind. No, he had better plans for you, plans that will ultimately benefit him and no one else. Pacing back and forth he kept his golden eyes situated on the ground as he walked.

It was only a few seemingly long minutes until you showed up and entered through the two front doors. You stood there nervously as you eyed over at Maleficent who looked enraged beyond belief. You had seen him angry many times before but today looked even worse than most other times. You didn't know whether speaking to him would be a good idea or remaining quiet. You noticed the dead charred goons around you and gulped with fear. You'd like to think Maleficent wouldn't kill you since you were 'special' to him but sometimes you weren't so sure, just like now. Maleficent stopped pacing after a minute and just stared outside a window that overlooked the Forbidden Mountain's scenery. You rubbed the side of your arm before very cautiously making your way towards Maleficent. He stood completely still while rubbing his hand against the top of his staff as he stared out the window.

You approach him from behind and before you could speak he spoke up in an eerily calm voice. "There you are, (Y/n)... It took you long enough. Where were you?"

"I was in my room brushing my hair, my lord. I apologize for taking long." You speak to him softly. He nods his head and then suddenly gestures for you to come stand next to him. With some hesitance because of his mood, you take a couple steps so that you are now standing beside him. You gaze up at him while he keeps his eyes out in the gloomy distance outside. "Is uhm something wrong?"

"Hmph, is something wrong?" He repeated and shook his head while his golden dragon like eyes narrowed. "(Y/n), do you know what today is?" He asks while finally turning his intimidating eyes to settle on you. You fell small under his gaze as you usually do, his eyes could do that to anyone though.

"Uhhh, I'm not quite sure. I can go look-" He cuts you off instantly which makes you shut up just as quickly.

"It's a day before Princess Aurora's birthday. Not just any birthday but her sixteen birthday. And I would like to imagine you know what tomorrow means. It was supposed to be Aurora I retrieved not you. You were merely a mistake by my useless minions. Tomorrow Aurora will prick her hand on the spindle on a spinning wheel and then she shall die." He stated to you a firm stare laid upon you. Your (e/c) eyes grew wide as you realized why he was in such a awful mood. Had it been that long? You've been with Maleficent like six months now. You couldn't believe how quickly time has pasted by and not for the better. Maleficent would kill the whole kingdom before he didn't get his way. That much you were well versed on from seeing him murder off many of his own goons that were deemed 'incompetent' under his watchful eyes. You swore you wouldn't let yourself become one of those numbers. You wouldn't displease your Lord, Maleficent.

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