Guardian (Male!MaleficentXFaun!Reader) 3/3 (Fin)

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~Author's Note: I tweaked the movie ending, just fyi. Hope ya'll enjoy it!! Thank you, guys!!~

The engulfing, heavy darkness is what you come to-not necessarily awaken, but one or more of your senses are applicable-and your ears twitch at the weighted sound of footsteps.

Maleficent...? you think groggily from the swaying motion. I must've fallen asleep; he's carrying me to bed. You open your eyes expecting to see his beauty, yet only see the front plane of your body with your legs strung up. You try to move and gather your wrists are bound upward as well, your head having been secured to prevent your antlers from dragging. What...?

"Hey, it's awake," a man above you mutters. Panicked, your senses all vault to clarity as you realize you're strapped to a pole being carried on the shoulders of two men within a castle. What happened all comes back to you.

"N-no! Release me!" you whimper.

"Quiet!" The man in front sends a hard slap to your thigh directly on the two puncture wounds, tearing a pained cry from you.

"That's enough, Rupert!" a woman's voice snaps. The three of you look to the left where a finely dressed yet haggard woman lingers within a doorway. Her dark, feverish eyes give you an irate onceover. "What is this thing you have brought me?"

"It's a faun, Your Highness," Rupert says.

She seethes. "I didn't send you idiots out to bring me a faun! I want Maleficent!"

An innate, protective grunt sounds from you. "But Your Highness, this is his faun, the one he's been seen in the Moors with," the second man says.

The weary planes of her face become crazed with cynicism. "So she is," she hisses, crossing over to you. You writhe against your restraints when she reaches for your antlers. She grips onto the bone and jostles you still. "Tell me, faun, does Maleficent know you're here?"

Something within says to lie, to say that he doesn't despite your heart telling you he does. "No, I wasn't with him," you growl.

Queen Stefania glances at her men for conformation, and yet she chuckles darkly. "I'm afraid you're gravely mistaken. In fact, I have a hunch he's on his way as we speak," she says, rising and walking away. "Tell the guards to be prepared to offer Maleficent a warm welcome."

"Please, leave him be!" you yell. "He's done nothing to offend you!"

She pauses and palpable wariness overcomes her. "It is not he that has done the offending, but I... Who do you think took his wings?" she murmurs. Her hands ball into fists. "I was a lowly servant girl desperate for power. It was pure convenience that my dying, heirless Queen demanded Maleficent's death in exchange for the crown after he defeated her in battle, for he had fallen hopelessly in love with me when we were mere children. But I couldn't do it...I couldn't plunge the dagger in his heart as he lay there unconscious... And so I took the next best evidence of my devotion to the throne. Becoming Queen in exchange for stealing his wings is not a choice I regret, and he will not succeed in his attempt to reclaim either them or you."

Your heart plummets. No... She's the one who left him for dead?! "But he cares not for your wrongdoings!" you urge. "He has learned to live as he is."

She sneers jeeringly. "Don't be so foolish, you little brat. Maleficent has his eyes set on my head ever since that day no matter what morals he's persuaded you with. He's been biding his time, but such a strategy has permitted me time to build my defenses. Maleficent will fall, and it will be my sword that's stained with his blood."

"Queen Stefania!" a soldier calls running up to her. "Maleficent has just been spotted upon the horizon."

The woman smiles darkly. "Are your men ready with the iron?" she asks.

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