Chapter One

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Silence, except for the minor noise of the dripping from the water leaking from the faucet. The muffled hoof steps coming from the other room, a small figure huddles against the wooden beam that stood tall in the middle of the concrete prison. The room reeked of bodily odor, since the filly lacked proper hygene and a bath. 

The filly shifted uncomfertably, the filth on her coat was caked on thus making her own skin unbearable. So begins the chewing, silently hoping to herself that if she chews enough of her coat away that the itching and uncomfertable feeling would go away. 

The painful process of opening the scab wounds from previous events made her wince a little, before chewing. Tufts and dirt bits fell to the floor as the filly chewed away the once light grey coat. Coal Dust did this ever so often, that it left skin patches where the fur once was.

The metal door opened with a metallic groan as a cupid pink unicorn entered the room, carrying cleaning supplies. She took one whiff of the air and made a disgusted look. " Coal Dust dearie, i would appreciate you not making so much of a mess" she said in a sickly sweet tone, heaving the supplies inside.

"This place is such a mess." She complained, her horn began to glow a bright blue as the magic soon lifted the air freshener and began to spray the room with it's lavender scent. After being a tad bit satisfied with how nicer the room smelled, she lifted a small pinkbox; opening it to reveal delicious donuts.

Coal's mouth watered, her stomach grumbled in disatisfaction it hadn't eaten yet. She looked at the mare in a semi pleading/begging expression. The mare frowned at her before putting on a fake smile. "Only good fillies can have treats Coal, we already talked about this."

Coal Dust shuffled closer to her post and sighed in defeat,she wasn't a good pony. At least thats what her mother told her, parents are always right.. right? The unicorn took a bite from the donut before hollering was heard from upstairs. 

"Ugh! Hay Dale! Did you manage to injure yourself you big oaf?" The unicorn asked shutting the metal door behind her as she left. Assoon as the door closed, Coal lunged at the cart holding the cleaning supplies and the donuts.

'Mommy wouldn't notice if i took just one..' Coal thought to herself, but what she forgot.. a sudden constriction on her neck from the chain holding her snapped her back. Her body sprang back as she smacked against the wooden beam, letting out a yelp.

She let out a rasped groaned as her back ached from the pain, suddenly she heard a crash from upstairs. Coal huddled against the beam in fear, did her mom hear her? She braced herself for the door to open to reveal either her angry father with her mother standing by as he'd yell at her for disturbing his radio time.

There were more crashes following by yelling, some by her parents and some by others, coal flinched at each crash and thumping as the struggle continued. She wanted things to go back as they were, hoping those noises would go away; she covered her ears and closed her eyes.

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